Ezekiel 38 describes an internal war that turns regional. Two different allied armies will converge on Israeli soil. One will be in Israel to help with internal turmoil. The other will invade during the turmoil.
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Ezekiel 38 describes an internal war that turns regional. Two different allied armies will converge on Israeli soil. One will be in Israel to help with internal turmoil. The other will invade during the turmoil.
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Forget The Great Reset. Here is “The Great Setup”! The games the nations are playing on the global population never cease. One of the steps of The Great Reset includes war. This war between Israel and Hamas is one of those wars.
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The caravans are now on the farm, the solar is connected, plumbing is almost done. It has been an adventure since our last update. Read More:
An update has not been written since February 2023. A lot of work has happened on the farm, we have been to Israel twice for Passover and the second Passover, and got pneumonia once. Read More:
Things are moving forward on our farm in Jordan. Read this short post to find out what has transpired in January 2023. Read More:
Things are moving forward on our farm in Jordan. Read this short post to find out what has transpired in January 2023. Read More:
If you are YHVH’s “woman”, this article is for you. It is only about a 10 minute read and will be worth your time to find out the miraculous things YHVH has done, and is doing, to prepare for your arrival! Read More:
The games the nations are playing on the global population never cease. This article lays out the steps being taken to corral the global population into the Great Reset! One of the steps includes war but there are other step,s as well.
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The players and situations described in 2 Kings 2 and Ezekiel 38 are now coming clearer. The Gog-Magog war is one of the major markers heralding Yeshua’s return. What is happening in Ukraine may be the precursor for it. It behooves us to understand what is going on.
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Mystery Babylon has arrived, folks! And it came on a white horse with a rider wearing a mask!
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One ramification of Russia’s war with Ukraine could to set up the conditions under which Gog’s war coalition against the modern UN-created State of Israel will be created as found in Ezekiel 38.
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WARNING! Horse #2, the RED horse, just left the gate and is now running wild!
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The NWO is now removing or reducing their global mask, PCR and quarantine mandates everywhere but keeping in place their vaccination requirements and/or apps.
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What do Revelation’s thunders have to do with the rising Beast system? Find out in this article!
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Hebrew Nation Radio’s 3 Wise Guys interviewed Kimberly on June 22, 2021. Hear what she and they had to say about the Kingdom and the end of days!
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Hebrew Nation Radio’s 3 Wise Guys interviewed Kimberly on June 22, 2021. Hear what she and they had to say about the Kingdom and the end of days!
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Hebrew Nation Radio’s 3 Wise Guys interviewed Kimberly on June 22, 2021. Hear what she and they had to say about the Kingdom and the end of days!
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It has been almost 3 weeks since anything new has been posted on this website. YHVH laid it on my heart this morning to update… Read More:
Hebrew Nation Radio’s 3 Wise Guys interviewed Kimberly on June 22, 2021. Hear what she and they had to say about the Kingdom and the end of days!
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The regular radio broadcasts and podcasts have come to an end. It is time for me to quit talking, quit broadcasting on Hebrew Nation Radio and podcasting on my websites. Let me tell you why I know it is time to end this.
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The new normal is a slavery of such a magnitude that it can barely be described. It is much greater and worse than the first slavery of the Israelites in Egypt and that’s the point. Those Israelites were only put to hard labor. Today’s Israelites will be put to death.
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This is not science fiction. This is Charleton Heston’s “Soylent Green” nightmare come to fruition.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Changes In Israel & The March Of The Vaxxport… Read More:
This is not science fiction. This is Charleton Heston’s “Soylent Green” nightmare come to fruition.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: China’s Bioweapon: Who Is Targeted For Death? And What… Read More:
Do you want to know just how accurate the Bible’s prophecies are? Elements laid out in the Book of Revelation are proceeding as described and as foreseen by Apostle John.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: The Beast’s Next Innovation: Control of Its New Population… Read More:
Do You Really Want To Know Just How Dangerous China Is? Listen to find out.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Do You Really Want To Know Just How Dangerous… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! There is no new Jerusalem Report this week so be sure to read the following headlines!… Read More:
The Globalists finally have perpetrated the greatest coming genocide possible on humanity, but they have!
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: COVID Vaccine Bio-Weaponizes Humans; Kills The Unvaccinated, too… Read More:
The world we now live in is the transition phase from what was to what will be whether it be the Globalists’ vision now being implemented or Yeshua YHVH Elohim’s intention…
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: China’s Rapid Rise COVID How Pandemic Statistics Are… Read More:
Israel’s new COVID milestone means a limited number of vaccinated tourists will be allowed to enter Israel in organized groups starting May 23. St. Vincent’s Island also has reached a new milestone: DEATH for the unvaccinated.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: The Beasts’ Rapid Progression: Lockdowns & Vaxxports COVID… Read More:
In a stunning turn of events, the Ultra-Orthodox Jews have “discovered” and “revealed” their messiah at Passover!
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Jewish Messiah Appears In Israel! COVID Fascist left-wing… Read More:
We must now await further developments which I suspect will happen quickly between Passover and Sukkot this year.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: A New Normal For The Unvaccinated & What… Read More:
We must now await further developments which I suspect will happen quickly between Passover and Sukkot this year.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: The Mark: It’s Here. What’s Next? ISRAEL Listen… Read More:
There is a new controversy afoot among religious people. Revelation doesn’t tell us what this mark looks like or how it will be delivered. Herein lies the rub for some religious men who cannot see that the earth is now in “that” time.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: The Mark: Is It Here Or Not? ISRAEL… Read More:
A new broadcast cannot be produced this week because of traveling for medical reasons. My husband had surgery this week and it was a very… Read More:
Some have panicked over learning that the vaccines are a process of marking people for the beast. Don’t panic and keep listening.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Forgiveness for sins of ignorance related to taking… Read More:
Have you ever wondered what kind of people are those who can justify creating and administering worldwide a vaccine that is known to have fetal tissue as part of its ingredients?
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: COVID Vaccine IS the Mark of the Beast.… Read More:
What’s on everyone’s mind this week? A polar vortex and a pandemic have conspired to freeze North America, parts of Mexico, Europe and even the Middle East.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! GREAT RESET President Harris… Joe Biden’s CNN Town Hall Transcript in Full—President on Trump, Vaccines and… Read More:
The world’s enemies are setting their traps and YHVH has set His traps, too, both for His people and those who are not His. The odd thing is that the traps which the enemy thinks he is setting are the same ones that YHVH is setting. In other words, Yeshua plans to snare and destroy His enemy in the same traps the enemy is setting for others.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! CHINA Pompeo Says China Will Use Artificial Intelligence to Harm US US admiral says Chinese military… Read More:
Biden has pivoted toward China within his first week in office but few have noticed it. This will be explained this in today’s report.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! UNCIVIL WAR America to split into FREE states vs censored “slave” states House GOP votes decisively… Read More:
Biden has pivoted toward China within his first week in office but few have noticed it. This will be explained this in today’s report.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! WHITE HOUSE Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in slew of executive actions on climate change… Read More:
The firing of Peter Robb belies all the happy talk about unifying the country. The “unity” lasted all of a couple of minutes. Then, hours… Read More:
Coronavirus measures like mask-wearing and increased vaccination rates have contributed to historically low levels of seasonal influenza, leading some to explore what might help most… Read More:
The world has entered the transition phase from the old Western model of democratic republics with basic human rights to the world that will exist when the Tribulation starts.
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With the Biden administration taking over in a matter of days and its clear insistence that it do everything in its power to reenter the… Read More:
Source: Leaked Video Reveals Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s Internal Discussions Before Trump Ban
Source: More Highly Transmissible Variant of CCP Virus Detected in 10 States: CDC
OPINION: Not just “Leninism”. Chinese CCP Maoist style “Leninism”. Source: The Woke Movement is Leninism 4.0: Political Commentator Dr. James Lindsay
Source: Parler CEO John Matze, Family Forced Into Hiding Due to Death Threats, Security Breaches: Filing
Tensions in the Middle East keep rising ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20th. After Israel hit deep into Syrian territory last Tuesday night,… Read More:
55 People Died in US After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines: Reporting System Source: 55 People Died in US After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines: Reporting System
Estonia is testing a blockchain-based digital vaccine certificate that could be accepted in other countries. Source: WHO Plans Privacy, Security Rules for Covid-19 Vaccine Certificates
President-elect Joe Biden is urging Congress to back a round of $1,400 per-person direct payments and asking for funding for testing and vaccine distribution. Source:… Read More:
The proposal includes setting up federally supported community centers, while expanding the use of the Defense Production Act to increase the production of vaccines. Source:… Read More:
The gun-rights group plans to move to Texas in the latest twist to its legal battle with New York’s attorney general. Source: National Rifle Association… Read More:
Massachusetts-based American Robotics was granted permission to operate drones without hands-on piloting or direct observation by human controllers or observers. Source: FAA Approves First Fully… Read More:
What does MAGAnificent America look like now that it’s here? Does America really feel greater after the last four years? Be honest now. Be really… Read More:
Change approved during Trump’s final days shifts Israel out of US military’s European Command sphere, will allow for greater regional collaboration against Iran Source: Pentagon… Read More:
The Israeli military has been tasked with formulating “options” to counter Tehran’s alleged threat to Tel Aviv, including the possibility Source: Israel tasked with creating… Read More:
The surprise move came after President Vladimir Putin announced plans to change the constitution. Source: Russian government resigns as Vladimir Putin plans future – BBC… Read More:
Source: Here’s A List Of All The Companies That Have Banned President Trump
suffocation Source: The Big Wobble : ‘Suffocation chamber’ Brazil, cemeteries are again burying record number of patients as the new “super” strain potentially renders vaccines… Read More:
The Situation Update for Jan. 15th, 2021 covers five key breaking stories, all with “bombshell” implications for world events: Capitol raid official narrative collapse; CNN… Read More:
Source: Trump Declassifies ‘Foot-High’ Stack Of Russiagate, Obamagate Documents; Set For Release Within Days | ZeroHedge
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has pledged to spearhead a global campaign against internet censorship, insisting platforms cannot act as a “Spanish Inquisition” or… Read More:
House members openly accuse far-right representatives of threatening their health and safety after the Capitol riot. Source: Some Democrats in Congress are worried their colleagues… Read More:
Diversity High School, Rosa Parks High School, and Megan Markle High School also vie for top spot in name change poll. Source: Historic Virginia High… Read More:
The conflict between neoconservatives and the Trump base sets up a major battle for which faction will control the Republican Party in the post-Trump era.… Read More:
“I realize that to many people this sounds very pretentious, but this is the outline that G-d promised our ancestor Abraham.” While China and the… Read More:
The backlash against Donald Trump is not limited to America’s political divide. It is international. Additional information has come to light this week about the forces conspiring against Donald Trump and 74 million American voters.
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NOTE: These updates are offered as possibilities where no confirmation can be made and as facts where confirmation is made. Please also do your own… Read More:
UPDATE 01/11/2021 4:02pm Listen to this short audio from Paul Begley: Someone said the Wikileaks files were old one that had been released before. I… Read More:
Here’s the big reveal about the Globalists’ agenda for using COVID to bring all humans under their one-world authority. The US election mess was used to mask this agenda because while all eyes were on that some other things happened that you need to know about.
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My job as a wall watchman is to prepare YHVH’s people for the Tribulation that is coming whether that is sooner or later. Find out what this kind of preparation involves!
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President Donald Trump may be in the throes of internal betrayal. There is new COVID scam afoot and China is about to make another move! And why is all that pork in the new omnibus bill? I’ll tell you!
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We have known for a long time that war was coming to US soil. It is closer now than it has ever been. Stick we me to get all the details.
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RUSSIA Defending the United States against Russian dark money Cruise Missiles in the Arctic Seen as Another Outcome of Great Power Competition U.S. Warns Of… Read More:
Israel, China and US relations with China and even a new alien report about the “Galactic Federation” in this report.
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The well of deception continues to deepen and political ties are being revealed that run between the Obama-Biden and the Biden-Harris administrations and China.
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The election mess continues unabated. Sydney Powell better get her Kraken crackin’. I agree with Ben Shapiro that a good time to release her evidence would be today and that a good time to not do it would be tomorrow.
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This election is revealing what the Left has planned for the Right starting with their attempt to perpetrate injustice toward half of America.
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America’s election “ordeal” is not over. In fact, this election is just the start of ordeals for America and the West.
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If the “great reseters” have their way, the US election will result in the start of the final phase of the global reset. And it won’t matter who wins the election!
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China and Joe Biden’s betrayal of the American people are all over the news now. I will explain the Biblical reason that China wants to bring down America in this report. Hint: It has something to do with the events in the beginning.
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Publishing for Beast Watch News and The Messianic Message will recommence on October 23, 2020. I would say “chag sameach”, happy holidays, except I am mourning the loss of going to Jerusalem.
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So far, this year, NVIC has issued positions and tracked 232 vaccine related bills in 39 states — the highest number of bills ever to… Read More:
No one knows when the Jews will introduce the Antichrist – this year, next year or perhaps years or decades from now – but Jewish… Read More:
The Judeo-Christian beast is fast-tracking the downward spiral into the chaos the Bible calls the Tribulation. Get ready!
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The rush is on now to see which nation will be next to make headlines for joining the Abraham Accord military treaty and moving its embassy to Jerusalem.
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Is Portland Municipality funding a tent city for the purpose of housing BLM and Antifa rioters? Read More:
The Abraham Accord is a fire, not a moistening of tinder. It is a call to war, not a peace deal but is being given peace treaty status. Thus, the tinder of destruction has a new name – “peace”. Read More:
CDC reveals true number of coronavirus deaths far lower than reported. Persecution on the rise and connected to COVID. Cultural revolution. Timing the Tribulation.
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Today’s broadcast: What is the second beast of Revelation doing to help Jerusalem rise as Mystery Babylon, the city of Egyptian mystery rites coupled with renewed imperialism AKA ‘king worship’ in which the end time Antichrist king will have an image for people to worship just like Nebuchadnezzar.
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Major prophecy pieces came together in the last few days with two significant events – the Abraham Accord and Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s running mate. How do these fit Bible prophecy?
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The title of today’s broadcast is ‘The Coming Antichrist: Islamic or Jewish? That is a good question and the answer to it is ‘yes’.
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The violence is being touted as a global race war, but it is not. It covers up another agenda. While everyone is busy checking out the race war, the globalist elites are moving forward with their plan to implement the biometric-vaccine mark of the beast technology.
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Humans are about to become GMOS-genetically modified organisms. Find out what that means! And did you know that Communisim and Judaism/Kabbalah are the same ideology? Find out how!
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Doctors are now warning that the human race is about to be permanently altered by the coronavirus vaccine. Wait until you hear what the “new” humans will be!
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One of the Book of Revelation’s descriptions of the Great Tribulation is now showing up in the news. More coronavirus lies have come to light along with the increase in unrest in both Israel and the US. Iran and China are up to something.
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“Moshaich is here and he’s waiting but Hashem is not giving him the sign to be revealed.” “All mentally handicapped people are more soul than… Read More:
Is Israel being used to show the world the way to the “new normal”? All nations are affected by coronavirus, but the chaos designed to teach the world what not to do is centered in Israel. Why is that?
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See the connection between the globalists’ new economy, COVID-19 and Jerusalem’s rise as Mystery Babylon.
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It may be that no one on earth has died from the coronavirus. I know that’s a bold statement but listen to the facts… Facts you’re not supposed to know!
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Two situations are afoot in the US that may see President Donald Trump out of a job in November. The first is the confluence of forces now brewing into a full blown political firestorm; the other is what’s happening in Israel over Trump’s proposed “peace plan”.
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Messianic Jewish rabbis and Hebrew Roots teachers alike are teaching deception over Romans 11 saying believers are grafted into the House of Judah. Find out why this could get you killed!
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This is a special report about the ongoing Jewish propaganda. The Palestinians and Jews both have spin machines. Here is a rebuttal of a recent Jewish propaganda video.
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The new vaccine delivery method appears to be a means to implant wickedness and disease into everyone who takes the mark of the beast beginning with aborted baby cells!
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Israel is no longer a secular government ruled by a political body. Israel is now a religious State ruled by a religious body using the political body to do its will. Israel is now Mystery Babylon!
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The issue of whether Yeshua is God in the flesh is now big news because the Jewish messiah, the Antichrist, is rising. What you don’t know could kill you!
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What has Mystery Babylon – Jerusalem, Washington – been up to while they have you watching their big distraction, the coronavirus?
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Prominent Iranian Imam Orders Infected Muslims to Spread Coronavirus to Bring the World to Mahdi. “Shia is sharply divided into hundreds of factions and this… Read More:
What has Mystery Babylon – Jerusalem, Washington – been up to while they have you watching their big distraction, the coronavirus?
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Turkey is in a bind in Syria both in its war with the Syrian army and its migrant-overrun border. The economy is still taking its hits and the Fed is trying to staunch the bleed out. The Israeli elections are over but the deadlock remains the same but with a few new problems. And the Coronavirus has the whole world in a panic.
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JUST HOW BAD IS THE CORONOVIRUS, ANYWAY? The University of Minnesota reports that the coronavirus has a 2.3% death rate and is less deadly that SARS or MERS but it is more easily transmitted. It also has a 49% death rate for those who become critically ill such as those with other diseases which are found mostly in the older population.
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Do you know what form the coming image of the beast will take? And why, oh why, will YHVH use its image to punish His people? Find out in this Beast Watch News report!
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The UN beast just became the kitten that roared at the Judeo-Christian beast. Syria is in a scrambled mess and there is a new virus found in Brazil that has almost no recognizable genes or proteins. Where did it comes from? The Heavens in preparation for the coming Great Tribulation? Also, there is now a huge locust plague in Uganda.
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Understand the 5 beasts of Revelation, who they are and what are they doing? They’re covered every day in the News! To find them, you have to know what to look for. Find out how!
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On Monday, a coding issue with the mobile app that the Iowa Democratic Party planned to use to report the results of their state caucus… Read More:
“When the Democrats blessed Israel, supported Israel, they were successful in politics,” Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News. “But they have changed and in a… Read More:
The hysteria being drummed up follows a well-worn pattern where the population is kept in a state of fear about microbes so that drug companies… Read More:
It’s not a peace plan, it’s a proposal, according to Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. That was my first thought, too, and I’m no fan of either of them. Then I began to see the subtleties that really make this “two-state proposal” a “one-state plan”. Most people are focusing on what is in the plan but some are reading between the lines and seeing what’s there but left unspoken.
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China’s Silk Road project may be one of the ways a deadly pandemic will kill hundreds of millions of people when the time comes. Along… Read More:
The peace plan likely will be unveiled on Tuesday, January 28, 2020. “It’s a great plan,” said President Trump, who will meet with Netanyahu at… Read More:
Israel’s prime minister intends to exploit the Fifth World Holocaust Forum – convening this week in Jerusalem to mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz… Read More:
See Israel’s latest blatant war bluster along with Turkey’s and even some news about how Russia plans to attack the United States. The war chess pieces are being moved into position in places where one would expect them and in places where positioning is not so expected. Also, the last part of this report comes with a surprise – direct order from YHVH to you through me.
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The events of this past week, the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, is a step forward to the final fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy about Ephraim in Damascus which prepares the way for Daniel’s 4th and final King of the North war.
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Is the Jewish world ready to let machines take over the sacred work of the Jewish scribe? The simple answer is – maybe.Rabbi Menachem Perl,… Read More:
90,000 Jews gather at New Jersey football stadium for Talmud celebration Source: 90,000 Jews gather at New Jersey football stadium for Talmud celebration Organizers estimated… Read More:
The push to redefine anti-Semitism to be even more inclusive of all words and actions continued this week, a situation that is becoming more dangerous for non-Jews than for Jews. Also, a look at clashes that escalated between the US and Iran and the Israel and the Arab world may be about to turn Middle East politics upside and down.
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Jerusalem and Turkey both are pushing for world dominance. The Sanhedrin announced that because the 3 sons of Noah are now together, the the fates of several governments, if not the world.
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The Middle East and North Africa have become a greater powder keg this week and this time it doesn’t center on Israel and the US. It does, however, continue setting the stage for the King of the North (KOTN) to attack the Middle East’s southern region and North Africa according to Daniel 11:40-45’s prophecy.
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Israel just muscle flexed with a show of its nuclear capability. Perhaps you haven’t heard this in the news. President Donald Trump is at the forefront of boosting the rise of Mystery Babylon at the same time as Israel continues its progress toward implementing the Jordan Option. The economic outlook is getting more negative press, too.
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Preparations are being made on both sides of the Middle East conflict for the Bible’s Great Tribulation trigger wars. Iran is preparing to do battle with the US and Israel, and Israel is preparing to do battle with the Palestinians and Jordan. Read More:
Trump and Netanyahu are panicking under the weight of their desires for world dominance. Iran’s internal turmoil is bringing war between Iran, the US and Israel closer.The fall of Mystery Babylon is brewing on YHVH’s fire even before she has fully risen to power. Read More:
Yeshua, the coming King of Kings and LORD of Lords, is also the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek. YHVH is orchestrating the fall of Mystery Babylon, even as she rises to power, because it is almost time for the coming of our Melchizedek, Yeshua, our High Priest and King to come rule and reign! Read More:
President Trump attended an Orthodox Jewish fundraising event at the Intercontinental Hotel in Manhattan on Tuesday evening. Four hundred Orthodox Jews participated in the event, contributing… Read More:
At a private event for Orthodox Jewish donors, President Donald Trump received a blessing from a rabbi and joked that if he lands on hard… Read More:
Yeshua, the coming King of Kings and LORD of Lords, is also the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek. YHVH is orchestrating the fall of Mystery Babylon, even as she rises to power, because it is almost time for the coming of our Melchizedek, Yeshua, our High Priest and King to come rule and reign! Read More:
The biggest bank in Europe is in the process of imploding, and there are persistent rumors that the final collapse could happen sooner rather than later. Banks in China are also failing. Last week, three US banks failed. Four US banks have failed this year. Read More:
“I don’t believe in the two-state solution. The two-state solution is a fallacy. It’s a pipe dream,” says former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh, who is… Read More:
New Right leader Naftali Bennett agreed to take the defense portfolio after a Friday morning meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The appointment still needs… Read More:
A team of Technion researchers was awarded a gold medal at the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM) in Boston for producing bee-free honey. The… Read More:
Liberman issues ultimatum to Netanyahu, Gantz: ‘Whoever doesn’t compromise, we’ll join the other side’ Avigdor Liberman, chairman of the Israel Beiteinu party, issued a threat… Read More:
New Campaign Demands: Jordan Disconnect from Temple Mount in Exchange for River Island An Israeli student organization called “Students for the Mount” wrote an appeal… Read More:
The former American ambassador to the U.N. received recognition for her staunch defense of Israel in the international body. By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News… Read More:
Blue and White co-founder Yair Lapid gave a fiery speech on Nov. 9 at a conference in Paris, the Arutz 7 news site reports. “The State of… Read More:
The statue of Moloch was erected seven days prior to an event in the Vatican Gardens where the pagan goddess Pachamama was worshipped. Source: Statue of… Read More:
There are two wars going on in Israel. One is being fomented using Iran as the excuse by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his fight to fulfill the election, military, diaspora and investigation distraction agendas, and the continued and increasingly tense struggle for Temple Mount. Read More:
This article quotes 2 Chronicles: New Israeli Fragrance will Have you Smelling Like the Holy TempleBy Maayan Hoffman November 6, 2018 , 10:28 am“They offer… Read More:
NBC NEWS PROMOTING THE BENEFITS OF RECEIVING AN IMPLANTABLE MICROCHIP Source: NBC News Promoting The Benefits Of Receiving An Implantable Microchip To Take The Place… Read More:
What does Trump’s Ukraine scandal have to do with Israel? How has Iran become Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s excuse for money funneling? What is going on behind the scenes? Read More:
Are the Democrats racist? This has been a repetative conversation throughout the lifepsan of the party, mainly because the very creation was based on racism… Read More:
The Israeli media reported that the retired general tried to engineer a minority government including the New Right party and Haredi factions. Prior to being… Read More:
With Iranian-backed Islamic terror groups threatening the Jewish state on both its southern and northern borders, the IDF released a new plan to confront efforts… Read More:
Archaeologists now believe that Jerusalem’s “Pilgrimage Road” was built by none other than Pontius Pilate, the infamous Roman governor of Judea. Archaeologists now believe that… Read More:
The problem is not antisemitism, but the continual changing of the definition. Antisemitism has been wrapped up with Antizionism and any disagreement one has with… Read More:
More than 1 million Jewish people are expected to keep Shabbat in 1,500 different cities around the world for the Shabbat Project, which takes place… Read More:
For the first time in modern history, approximately 800 men from the tribe of Levi joined together on the stairs in front of the Hulda… Read More:
Some see deeper meaning in the peculiar weather that began with extreme lightning and continues with a rare and powerful storm. Storms buffet region, bringing… Read More:
A Jewish man, peacefully walking down the street, was slapped in the face and called a “dirty Jew” by an antisemite in the Crown Heights… Read More:
THIS transcript is “notes only”, not a verbatim transcript as usual. Thank you for listening! Kimberly Rogers-Brown BeastWatchNews.com DISCLAIMER! WHEN I SAY THE WORD “JEWS”,… Read More:
Reflecting on his visit to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, Jewish conservative pundit Ben Shapiro took to his podcast, the Ben Shapiro Show on Wednesday… Read More:
A report by i24 News profiles a Temple Mount Faithful Movement looks to boost Jewish presence at the holy site. Source: Movement Hopes to Boost… Read More:
The holiday of Sukkoth was marked by dramatic storms; high winds accompanied by thunder and lightning but very little rain. One prominent rabbi, spiritual leader… Read More:
On the holiday of Sukkot, a group of Jewish Israeli pilgrims led by Noam Federman yells the Shm’a yisrael prayer on the Temple Mount as… Read More:
Thousands of people in Jerusalem witnessed a joyous full-dress reenactment of the water libation ceremony that was held during the last six days of Sukkoth… Read More:
A Jewish teenager was removed from the Temple Mount the other day by Israeli police for bowing in prayer on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.This is important… Read More:
Religious and Kingdom doctrines oppose each other. Both Judaism and Christianity reject the Torah which is why YHVH is now turning both of them over to delusion, reprobate minds and to believe a lie. Read More:
This report is not news so much as it is a way for you to learn to understand the news. Along with that, in a… Read More:
Mark Biltz is leading Christians, Hebrew Roots and Messianic Jews into unity with Judaism by encouraging them to join the Jews in the keeping of… Read More:
What has been in the news this week? The big story in America has been Ukraine-gate! I’ll have an analysis of what might have really… Read More:
Sad news from Israel. The Rabbis have caused the first of the non-Jews who committed to Noahidism to commit murder. By doing so, these Rabbis… Read More:
Trump officials say Israel is losing a great opportunity with a friendly American administration. Source: Frustration in Trump ranks: Israel frittering away golden opportunity
The “Palestinian” people is a new concept that came about in the 1960s. They are not an age-old people. They have not existed for thousands… Read More:
The U.S. president’s speech also included subjects such as trade, China, human rights, North Korea, Venezuela and immigration. It is a problem when a news… Read More:
The event also marked a personal milestone for the president, marking exactly one year since he survived being stabbed at a campaign event. Source: Brazilian… Read More:
Kelly Craft just gave the United Nations a piece of her mind. In her first speech at the UN, she showed them how she plans… Read More:
The current situation, Abu Marzouq explained, has led to a drop in the number of “Palestinian refugees” in Lebanon. He went on to say that… Read More:
Results: Gantz Capitulates Without BattleLess than a week after his impressive electoral achievement, Benny Gantz conceded his right to be the first to try and… Read More:
Almost every week now, I see an article from Breaking Israel News or another media outlet that verifies The Jerusalem Report. This week, I said… Read More:
Putin and Netanyahu mark Iranian bases in Syria for removal to 80km from Israeli border Source: Putin and Netanyahu mark Iranian bases in Syria for… Read More:
Mama is a non-Jew, but the Jews will keep the kids. Court Allows Deportation of Filipina Without Her Israeli-born Children. Mother ‘made cynical use’ of… Read More:
Jerusalem looking for ways to deport immigrants. The aim is to block the settlement in Israel of “infiltrators and illegal aliens other than by the… Read More: