The regular radio broadcasts and podcasts have come to an end. It is time for me to quit talking, quit broadcasting on Hebrew Nation Radio and podcasting on my websites. Let me tell you why I know it is time to end this.
I started Beast Watch News and The Messianic Message officially in 2009 after being called by YHVH to do so. He even gave me the names of the websites. Tabernacle of David Restored was added just this year.
Then, YHVH told me in 2013 that the ministry would change and eventually end. I heard that from Him many times over the years. I began to understand the ministries would end at the end.
Over the years, when I have gotten frustrated and asked YHVH if I could quit, each and every time I received 1 or more emails from readers letting me know what a blessing this ministry is to them. I always knew that was His way of telling me ‘no, you cannot quit’.
I began to feel the need to quit recently and once again asked YHVH if I should. This time, there was no supportive email from anyone! He didn’t lay it on anyone’s heart to bless this ministry with encouragement. Therefore, I know that it is time. And I believe the end of the ministry is right on time for the Tribulation.
There might be articles forthcoming from time to time but not regularly as in the past.
The ministry will stay online as long as I can afford the expenses associated with that. There are 3 websites full of information – Beast Watch News, The Messianic Message, Tabernacle of David Restored.
You can email your questions and comments to me or to just to stay in touch. And remember the forum. We can have discussions there. I may, from time to time as the the Ruach leads, post articles on BWN again but I expect to be busy with other ministry duties from now on.
Be Blessed!
Kimberly Rogers-Brown
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