Ezekiel 38 describes an internal war that turns regional. Two different allied armies will converge on Israeli soil. One will be in Israel to help with internal turmoil. The other will invade during the turmoil.
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Ezekiel 38 describes an internal war that turns regional. Two different allied armies will converge on Israeli soil. One will be in Israel to help with internal turmoil. The other will invade during the turmoil.
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Forget The Great Reset. Here is “The Great Setup”! The games the nations are playing on the global population never cease. One of the steps of The Great Reset includes war. This war between Israel and Hamas is one of those wars.
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The games the nations are playing on the global population never cease. This article lays out the steps being taken to corral the global population into the Great Reset! One of the steps includes war but there are other step,s as well.
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The players and situations described in 2 Kings 2 and Ezekiel 38 are now coming clearer. The Gog-Magog war is one of the major markers heralding Yeshua’s return. What is happening in Ukraine may be the precursor for it. It behooves us to understand what is going on.
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Mystery Babylon has arrived, folks! And it came on a white horse with a rider wearing a mask!
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One ramification of Russia’s war with Ukraine could to set up the conditions under which Gog’s war coalition against the modern UN-created State of Israel will be created as found in Ezekiel 38.
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WARNING! Horse #2, the RED horse, just left the gate and is now running wild!
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The NWO is now removing or reducing their global mask, PCR and quarantine mandates everywhere but keeping in place their vaccination requirements and/or apps.
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What do Revelation’s thunders have to do with the rising Beast system? Find out in this article!
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Hebrew Nation Radio’s 3 Wise Guys interviewed Kimberly on June 22, 2021. Hear what she and they had to say about the Kingdom and the end of days!
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Hebrew Nation Radio’s 3 Wise Guys interviewed Kimberly on June 22, 2021. Hear what she and they had to say about the Kingdom and the end of days!
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Hebrew Nation Radio’s 3 Wise Guys interviewed Kimberly on June 22, 2021. Hear what she and they had to say about the Kingdom and the end of days!
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Hebrew Nation Radio’s 3 Wise Guys interviewed Kimberly on June 22, 2021. Hear what she and they had to say about the Kingdom and the end of days!
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The regular radio broadcasts and podcasts have come to an end. It is time for me to quit talking, quit broadcasting on Hebrew Nation Radio and podcasting on my websites. Let me tell you why I know it is time to end this.
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The new normal is a slavery of such a magnitude that it can barely be described. It is much greater and worse than the first slavery of the Israelites in Egypt and that’s the point. Those Israelites were only put to hard labor. Today’s Israelites will be put to death.
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This is not science fiction. This is Charleton Heston’s “Soylent Green” nightmare come to fruition.
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This is not science fiction. This is Charleton Heston’s “Soylent Green” nightmare come to fruition.
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Do you want to know just how accurate the Bible’s prophecies are? Elements laid out in the Book of Revelation are proceeding as described and as foreseen by Apostle John.
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Do You Really Want To Know Just How Dangerous China Is? Listen to find out.
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The Globalists finally have perpetrated the greatest coming genocide possible on humanity, but they have!
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The world we now live in is the transition phase from what was to what will be whether it be the Globalists’ vision now being implemented or Yeshua YHVH Elohim’s intention…
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Israel’s new COVID milestone means a limited number of vaccinated tourists will be allowed to enter Israel in organized groups starting May 23. St. Vincent’s Island also has reached a new milestone: DEATH for the unvaccinated.
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In a stunning turn of events, the Ultra-Orthodox Jews have “discovered” and “revealed” their messiah at Passover!
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America’s election “ordeal” is not over. In fact, this election is just the start of ordeals for America and the West.
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If the “great reseters” have their way, the US election will result in the start of the final phase of the global reset. And it won’t matter who wins the election!
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China and Joe Biden’s betrayal of the American people are all over the news now. I will explain the Biblical reason that China wants to bring down America in this report. Hint: It has something to do with the events in the beginning.
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The Judeo-Christian beast is fast-tracking the downward spiral into the chaos the Bible calls the Tribulation. Get ready!
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The rush is on now to see which nation will be next to make headlines for joining the Abraham Accord military treaty and moving its embassy to Jerusalem.
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CDC reveals true number of coronavirus deaths far lower than reported. Persecution on the rise and connected to COVID. Cultural revolution. Timing the Tribulation.
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Today’s broadcast: What is the second beast of Revelation doing to help Jerusalem rise as Mystery Babylon, the city of Egyptian mystery rites coupled with renewed imperialism AKA ‘king worship’ in which the end time Antichrist king will have an image for people to worship just like Nebuchadnezzar.
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Major prophecy pieces came together in the last few days with two significant events – the Abraham Accord and Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s running mate. How do these fit Bible prophecy?
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The title of today’s broadcast is ‘The Coming Antichrist: Islamic or Jewish? That is a good question and the answer to it is ‘yes’.
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The violence is being touted as a global race war, but it is not. It covers up another agenda. While everyone is busy checking out the race war, the globalist elites are moving forward with their plan to implement the biometric-vaccine mark of the beast technology.
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Humans are about to become GMOS-genetically modified organisms. Find out what that means! And did you know that Communisim and Judaism/Kabbalah are the same ideology? Find out how!
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Doctors are now warning that the human race is about to be permanently altered by the coronavirus vaccine. Wait until you hear what the “new” humans will be!
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One of the Book of Revelation’s descriptions of the Great Tribulation is now showing up in the news. More coronavirus lies have come to light along with the increase in unrest in both Israel and the US. Iran and China are up to something.
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Two situations are afoot in the US that may see President Donald Trump out of a job in November. The first is the confluence of forces now brewing into a full blown political firestorm; the other is what’s happening in Israel over Trump’s proposed “peace plan”.
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Messianic Jewish rabbis and Hebrew Roots teachers alike are teaching deception over Romans 11 saying believers are grafted into the House of Judah. Find out why this could get you killed!
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The new vaccine delivery method appears to be a means to implant wickedness and disease into everyone who takes the mark of the beast beginning with aborted baby cells!
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Israel is no longer a secular government ruled by a political body. Israel is now a religious State ruled by a religious body using the political body to do its will. Israel is now Mystery Babylon!
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The issue of whether Yeshua is God in the flesh is now big news because the Jewish messiah, the Antichrist, is rising. What you don’t know could kill you!
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Do you know what form the coming image of the beast will take? And why, oh why, will YHVH use its image to punish His people? Find out in this Beast Watch News report!
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What do the Ilhan Omar debacle, the Chabad Cabal Jewish Supremacy doctrine and the Antichrist have to do with each other? Watch to find out!… Read More:
A lot happened this week. Iran is taking an in-your-face stance to the United States and is gearing up for war not only with Israel… Read More:
While Americans entertain themselves with the ridiculousness of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes and the unfeigned hatred of Ilan Omar toward America and Israel; and while American leaders… Read More:
Welcome to this report. We’ll look at fighting between India and Pakistan as the blows have caused tensions to rise to a 50-year high. Could… Read More:
Everyone in Israel, even the general public, seems to be gearing up for war as they prepare for their Jewish messiah to be revealed –… Read More:
This week, I am bringing you a report like none I’ve ever done before. I was sent a Youtube video by a friend that just… Read More:
Thank you for loving The Jerusalem Report at Beast Watch News! But I need a break, a little R&R, some recreation, a vacay. Life has… Read More:
Israel attacked Iran inside Syria this past weekend then proceeded to threaten President Bashar Al-Assad. I have an update on future Blood Moons that I… Read More:
These headlines plus some article excerpts are revealing about President Trump’s POSSIBLE reasons for leaving Israel in a security lurch. Trump’s Syria Withdrawal and Mattis’… Read More:
The only event on my mind again this week was the Sanhedrin altar. This thing changed everything. It heralds the coming of the Antichrist. You… Read More:
This week’s news is dedicated to the dedication. This is your deception early warning sign. Today’s entire broadcast will explore whether or not this Altar… Read More:
Welcome to part 2 of this series on understanding the Gog-Magog war. Last week, I proposed to you that Gog will be after a spoil… Read More:
The upcoming Gog of the Land of Magog war has baffled people for eons, probably since the generation after Ezekiel prophesied about it. That was… Read More:
I am in Jerusalem for Sukkot. It is not possible to produce a news article during the Feasts in Jerusalem. Thank you for your understanding.… Read More:
As war between Iran and Israel and Russia and the US draws closer, we need more details about navigating the brown waters of Judeo-Christianity. Both… Read More:
It could perhaps happen over the coming attack on Idlib that the US and Russia will have another direct military engagement. Both have deployed fleets… Read More:
More people have converted to Judaism recently, I learned from new sources this week. The list grows longer by the week, it seems. These current… Read More:
The news that our dear friends in Aqaba had decided to deny Yeshua was devastating. My husband and I were on vacation when the announcement… Read More:
More believers worldwide are denying Yeshua to convert to Judaism. The anti-Messiah spirit is becoming stronger among believers because he may be about to appear… Read More:
The Obama administration provoked the ongoing 1400-year-old Islamic tensions between the Sunnis and Shi’ites in Tunisia on December 17, 2010. The violence quickly spread throughout the… Read More: