Why Has Netanyahu Become A War Monger?

Everyone in Israel, even the general public, seems to be gearing up for war as they prepare for their Jewish messiah to be revealed – from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, candidate General Benny Gantz, and even the Rabbis. Not only preparing, they are fueling the war with Iran. Not only fueling, they are welcoming it! Why?

Hopefully, I can provide a thoughtful and prayerful answer by the end of this broadcast analysis. I think the irony of it will surprise you.


Thank you for listening!
Kimberly Rogers-Brown

Theme music by Mishkanim.


I thought I would try something new this week in an effort to make BWN more appealing. Let me know what you think.

I published a video on Antisemitism and one on the difference between religion and Kingdom. Be sure to check those out.

This week, the US and Iran’s tensions are worse than ever. So is the new Trump economy. But first, everyone in Israel, even the general public, seems to be gearing up for war as they prepare for their Jewish messiah to be revealed – from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, candidate General Benny Gantz, and even the Rabbis. Not only preparing, they are fueling the war with Iran. Not only fueling, they are welcoming it! Why?

Hopefully, I can provide a thoughtful and prayerful answer by the end of this broadcast analysis. I think the irony of it will surprise you.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is using the election stump to deliberately escalate the war with Iran.

This article from JPost.com brings to light how Netanyahu is using the military, Israel’s IDF for election propaganda.

The Israeli attorney-general, with whom Netanyahu is at odds over the current bribery charges against him, reminded Netanyahu last week that during the election campaign he must not publish photographs of himself with soldiers, but that is exactly what Netanyahu did.

Last week, Netanyahu visited Israel’s Haifa navy base. Before the Haifa visit, he complained about the AG’s injunction saying that “they” had issued a “strange” instruction about not being photographed with soldiers. 

He said, “I am also a soldier,” he continued in a mocking tone. “Is it therefore forbidden to take photographs of me?” 

That is not what the attorney-general means, and Netanyahu knew it. The instruction was from Israeli law. Article 2b(b) of the Elections Law (Ways of Propaganda) 5719-1959 states that “Election propaganda should not use the Israel Defense Forces in a manner that might create the impression that the Israel Defense Forces are identified with a party or a list of candidates.” 

The problem with the prime minister being photographed with a group of uniformed soldiers, and publishing the photograph within the framework of his election campaign, is not only because the IDF must remain politically neutral, but because some of the soldiers being photographed might support parties other than the Likud – and so are being turned into unwilling extras in the propaganda of a party that they do not support.

This article points out that Netanyahu may be using political and psychological bribery to affect the election. Listen.

…Acquaintance with the law in Israel and the rules of ethics for members of the Knesset …does not seem to be one of Netanyahu’s fortes. Less than a month ago, he wrote in his Facebook account: “Bribery is money, it is envelopes, it is cash. Bribery is not two-and-a-half reports in Walla.” Well, according to article 293(1) of Israel’s Penal Law, bribery to a public servant can take the form of “money, a monetary equivalent, a service or some other benefit.” So even “two-and-a-half [positive] reports in Walla” is a benefit. 

Photos aside, Netanyahu has been bragging about Israeli attacks on Iranian installations in Syria, publicizing meetings with Arab leaders in the Middle East and Africa and the Visegrad Group (made up of Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia) to serve his election campaign.

Furthermore, Netanyahu isn’t just appearing in unethical or even illegal photos and holding well-timed meetings with Iran’s enemies who are now Israel’s new allies, he is doing it to provoke Iran in exactly the way Daniel 11:40 says the King of the South will provoke the King of the North, and he is doing it to ensure his re-election so he can be the Israeli leader to take on Iran in direct conflict.

During the Haifa photo-op, Netanyahu directly threatened Iran, saying that Israel has the capability to target Iran-backed militias throughout the Middle East. That’s a bully tactic, to be sure, when you’re standing right in front of your military. But when you’re trying to win an election, it helps to show yourself off as the commander of the military. Netanyahu is using a psyop to coerce the Israeli electorate into believing they still need him in office for the war effort against Iran. This creates an ethical problem and unfair advantage against his election rivals.

There is nothing to prevent any of the candidates from being photographed with the IDF except that the other candidates lack the prestige of authority to escalate the war with Iran. This is why former General Benny Gantz, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s strongest challenger in an election, has now been forced in the untenable position of agreeing with Netanyahu about Iran. The Israelis are more likely to vote for a strong military leader at this point and Benny needs to look at least as strong on Iran as Netanyahu.

Benny Gantz is no stranger to war, but Netanyahu is not welcoming Gantz as an ally. Netanyahu called Gantz a hitch-hiker riding the wave.

Breaking Israel News, who often couples Netanyahu and the coming of the Jewish Anti-messiah at this year’s Purim season, says that some believe the elections will mark the beginnings of an entirely new, far more Messianic era. Breaking Israel News has been careful to, as often as possible, connect Netanyahu to Chabad and the coming Jewish Anti-messiah. If you have not seen this report, please visit last week’s edition of Beast Watch News.

Whether Chabad will reveal that Netanyahu is their Anti-messiah or they just need Netanyahu in place to hand the keys of Israel over to the Jewish Anti-messiah remains to be seen. There are other candidates in the running for Chabad’s Jewish Anti-messiah such as Jared Kushner and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Only time will tell, and the revealing may happen this year.

Let’s piece the warmongering together with the Anti-messiah and examine why war and the Anti-messiah necessarily go together. Why is Netanyahu resorting to these unethical tactics posing with the IDF? Why does he need his “image” to be one of ‘war leader’ instead of “diplomat” as was the case in past elections? Let’s find out.

Once labeled “King Bibi” by an American magazine due to his seemingly irreplaceable status, things may be changing for Netanyahu and his Likud party. With the attorney-general about to announce a possible bribery indictment against him, Netanyahu seems to be somewhat in defensive mode as his nation enters election season once again.

The war with Iran is almost the entirety of Netanyahu’s election message. That he is deliberately escalating war with Iran is a given, but Netanyahu’s ‘war leader’ image has a two-fold benefit. It makes him look strong in the face of Iran while simultaneously taking attention away from his evil behavior. And all this just in time for the Jewish Anti-messiah to appear.

The JPost article continues, As Benjamin Netanyahu faces his most difficult challenges, the world should know that he is still the better Benjamin. Benny Gantz is not the messiah.

Are you hinting that Netanyahu is the Jewish messiah? We shall know soon enough if they actually pull this Anti-messiah rabbit out of their hat!

To be sure, though, the coming of the Jewish Anti-messiah is sure to spark war. The Shi’ites will want to show their Mahdi as the world’s Anti-messiah. Therefore, Iran will have to overthrow Israel.

This week, Netanyahu let out a Freudian slip. Bloomberg reported on a tweet which was later removed from Twitter by Netanyahu but not before it was picked up by the press. The tweet said Netanyahu claimed that Arab countries were sitting down with Israel to discuss “war with Iran.”

So now, Netanyahu is already drawing Israel’s new-found allies into war with Iran. He backtracked on the comment and replaced it with the words “combating Iran.”

Bloomberg.com said, “It’s tempting to think of this as a blunder. A better way to see Netanyahu’s tweet is as a so-called Kinsley gaffe, named for the editor Michael Kinsley: when a politician accidentally tells the truth”.

In other words, Netanyahu was right the first time. Israel and America’s Arab allies are indeed at war with Iran. And despite efforts this week to entice war-weary European allies to join the effort, for Arab and Israeli delegations the conference was a chance to further coordinate their campaign against Iran. 

A decade ago, it would have been unimaginable for any Arab diplomat to defend Israeli strikes in Syria. To this day, these countries do not formally recognize Israel. But Iranian aggression has given old rivals common cause.

The Sunni Arab nations are, in fact, cozying up to Netanyahu. According to TRT World.com, The Middle East’s tectonic plates shifted in last week’s Warsaw conference.

The American Administration summoned representatives of 60 states to the Polish capital of Warsaw for a conference dubbed ‘Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East’. However, the agenda …was more about raising the stakes against Iran and to introduce talk of war. It was also a shameless attempt by the Americans to bring out in the open newly forming relations between Israel and the Sunni Arab States. They had somehow convinced the naive Arab capitals that my enemy’s enemy is my friend. In other words, it is Iran that that is now your enemy, not Israel. 

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made this clear in his remarks saying “You can’t achieve peace and stability in the Middle East without confronting Iran” and “it is indisputable that Iran’s aggression brought Arab states and Israel together.” 

The Americans did their best to create photo ops to normalize Netanyahu’s presence among the Arabs he detests. Netanyahu considers Arab Israelis as a fifth column and warned Jewish Israelis at the last Israeli elections that the Arabs were “voting in droves”.  When passing its racist Nation State Law, Israel gave Jews the right to self-determination but not Palestinian Arabs. Remember, Palestinian DNA is mostly Hebrew, from all the 12 tribes of Jacob, not Arab.

The most notable Sunni States at the meeting were Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait, all of whom will fall to the King of the North, Iran, according to scripture.

TRT World presents the truth when it writes, What the normalizing Arab states fail to understand is Netanyahu will always see them as inferior to Jews. He will bite his and Zionism’s collective tongue because of their business, which like Trump, he wants. If it weren’t for that, he would not be seen in the same room.

Right. You just heard last week about Chabad’s secret supremacy doctrine – only secret to outsiders, but not to Jews. As you already know from previous BWN reports, Netanyahu is a Chabad Jew who consulted with and sought blessings from the late Rabbi Schneerson, the leader of Chabad.

The Palestinian people’s Arab brethren had no objection to sharing a platform with their tormentor in chief; even knowing the Palestinian leadership had stayed away. 

The reality is that Arab countries have thrown the Palestinians under the bus. In a leaked video Bahrain Foreign Minister Khaled bin Ahmed al-Khalifa told fellow delegates: “We grew up talking about the Palestine-Israel dispute as the most important issue,” 

“But then, at a later stage, we saw a bigger challenge, more toxic – in fact the most toxic in our modern history – which came from the Islamic Republic. 

The article continues, “Perhaps Netanyahu is the luckier of the two leaders. In Warsaw, the Arab states, many of whom represent monarchies, inadvertently crowned Palestinians’ tormentor Netanyahu, king of the Middle East. It won’t be long now before the Israeli flag flies over Arab capitals, while the normalising regimes live under the delusion that Netanyahu will send Israeli jets to protect their thrones in the unlikely event, Iran strikes their capitals.” 

The US President’s ‘deal of the century’ was conspicuous by its absence from the Warsaw summit. That is except for confirmation from US special envoy Jared Kushner that President Donald Trump’s ‘peace plan’ “won’t be based on past international understanding such as the 2002 Saudi initiative, which the international community and the Palestinians have long touted as the basis of a two-state solution.” 

This begs the question of the Arabs, whatever happened to the Arab Peace Initiative? The now 17-year-old deal, based on Israel returning occupied Palestinian and other Arab land for full normalization has been quietly dropped. Instead, normalization with Israel is in full swing, while Israel continues to occupy Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian land while facing no pressure to withdraw. It is also moving to annex the West Bank and to seek American recognition of its ‘sovereignty’ over the Syrian Golan Heights. 

With the Israeli elections now only weeks away, Netanyahu must have sat back in his seat on the plane home feeling like a king and thinking the photo ops with Arab ministers would help his campaign.

There it is again. Everything Netanyahu does is for the purpose of his re-election. I don’t believe the Jews will make him their messiah. I believe they want it to be him who hands the keys of Israel over to their Anti-messiah.

The doomsday cult, Chabad, has the same agenda as the Iranian Shi’ites to bring catastrophic war to the earth in the name of their respective Anti-messiahs.


Jonathan Cook is an award-winning British journalist based in Nazareth, Israel, since 2001. He is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, two of which are “Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish State (2006)” and “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (2008)”.

This article titled, How the rule of the rabbis is fueling a holy war in Israel, reveals some disturbing changes happening in Israel since the Jewish State law was enacted last July.

Before I proceed, let me just say that I don’t like Johnathan’s one-sided view of the Palestinians and the Jews. He turns the Palestinians into Jewish victims. The truth is much different than that since both people have mistreated each other since 1948. In fact, their mistreatment of each other goes back 2900 years as I have told you before.

Johnathan asks, In which country did a senior, state-salaried cleric urge his followers last week to become “warriors”, emulating a group of young men who had murdered a woman of another faith? (A Palestinian woman, to be exact). 

The cleric did so with impunity. In fact, he was only echoing other highly placed colleagues who have endorsed a book – again without penalty – urging their disciples to murder babies belonging to other religions. 

Where can the head of the clergy call black people “monkeys” and urge the expulsion of other religious communities? 

Where does a clerical elite wield so much power that they alone decide who can marry or get divorced – and are backed by a law that can jail someone who tries to wed without their approval? They can even shut down the national railway system without notice. 

Where are these holy men so feared that women are scrubbed from billboards, college campuses introduce gender segregation to appease them, and women find themselves literally pushed to the back of the bus? 

Is the country Saudi Arabia? Or Myanmar? Or perhaps, Iran? 

No. It is Israel, the world’s only self-declared Jewish state.

The Jewish State Law enacted by the Knesset last July 19th not only turned Israel into a “Jew only” nation but has already led to it moving toward being a police state after just a few months.

Here is an overview of this article’s content. Please take time to read it. I don’t agree with everything Johnathan Cook says. He sides more with the Palestinians than the Israelis which is not correct. Both sides have acted improperly. However, you need to be aware of how far right – to the religious right – Israel is headed. To that end, I think Johnathan does a good job pointing out how Israeli culture is changing because it plays into the reason Benjamin Netanyahu is warmongering in this election and also the ideology the coming Jewish messiah is likely to take.

To start, the Orthodox rabbis were given exclusive control over conversions, births, deaths and marriages from the time of David Ben Gurion forward. The new Jewish State law rubber-stamped the authority of the Chabad Orthodox.

The item of biggest concern is how young Israelis are now being encouraged to kill non-Jews.

The growing power and extremism of the Orthodox in Israel was highlighted in the last week of January when one of their most influential rabbis, Shmuel Eliyahu, publicly came to the defense of five students accused of murdering Aisha Rabi, a Palestinian mother of eight. Back in October they stoned her car near Nablus, in the occupied West Bank, forcing her off the road. 

Eliyahu not only praised the five as “warriors” but told fellow students that they needed to overthrow the “rotten” secular court system and told them it was vital to “conquer the government” too, but without guns or tanks.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is in the throes of overthrowing Israel’s secular Israeli government. Why do I say that? In 2014, he promised that the Talmud would become Israeli law. Last week, you saw that he is in Chabad’s inner circle. The Talmud is the foundation of the Jewish New World Order’s government system in which indiscriminate murder of non-Jews is justified. THIS is where Benjamin Netanyahu is taking Israel. 

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Naftali Bennett have been silent on Rabbi Eliyahu’s praise of the five murderous young men. 

Bennett has been placing much greater weight in the curriculum on Jewish tribal identity, Bible studies and religious claims to Greater Israel, including to the Palestinian territories – which he wants to annex.

Tribal identity in Judaism is not a stated doctrine, but a cultural value that says Israel is for the House of Judah only. Teaching this to the children as education should be a concern because they are learning, in Israel’s public schools, what I shared with you last week which is that Jews are the recipients of God’s own DNA and that all other humans are not human at all. In other words, all non-Jews are a different species that has no right to life.

I am still a proponent of annexation of all Palestinians territories, but only if Judah were going to use that to make all the people in those territories equal citizens, as is called for in the Torah. But this is not what the Jews have in mind. Jewish leaders have in mind that there should be no mercy to Palestinians or others. 

Brachyahu and [Ultra-Orthodox] rabbis …are among the senior rabbis who have endorsed a terrifying book, the King’s Torah (that was referenced in last’ week’s broadcast), that urges Jews to treat non-Jews, and specifically Palestinians, mercilessly. 

It offers God’s blessing for Jewish terror – not only against Palestinians who try to resist their displacement by settlers, but against all Palestinians, even babies, on the principle that “it is clear that they will grow [up] to harm us.” 

Now, for the first time, young Haredim who hate Palestinians the most are serving in the Israeli army. This new breed of young warrior will not show any concern for those they kill. There will be no compunction of compassion at all. 

YouTube is now full of videos of gun- or baton-wielding settlers attacking Palestinians, typically as they try to access their olive groves or springs, while Israeli soldiers stand passively by or assist. 

Arson attacks have spread from olive groves to Palestinian homes, sometimes with horrifying results, as families are burned alive. 

Rabbis such as Eliyahu have stoked this new wave of attacks with their Biblical justifications. State terrorism and mob violence have merged. 

Also, the dramatic rise in religiosity is creating internal problems for Israeli society too, especially for the shrinking secular population and for women whose faces are being “cleaned” off of public posters and billboards because women’s faces shown in public may cause offence. 

Last month, the Supreme Court criticised Israel’s Council for Higher Education for allowing segregation between men and women in college classrooms to spread to the rest of the campus, including libraries and communal areas. Female students and lecturers are facing “modesty” dress codes. 

The council has even announced that it intends to expand segregation because it is proving difficult to persuade religious Jews to attend higher education. 

The biggest potential flashpoint is in occupied East Jerusalem, where the growing symbolic and political power of these Messianic rabbis risks exploding at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound. …The growing influence of religious Jews in parliament, the government, the courts and the security services means that officials grow ever bolder in staking a physical claim to sovereignty over al-Aqsa.

They should. This territory belongs to Judah.

It also entails an ever greater indulgence towards religious extremists who demand more than physical control over the mosque site. They want al-Aqsa destroyed and replaced with a Third Temple.

In fact, an article this week said the Palestine Authority accused Israel of “playing with fire” after it closed an entrance to the Temple Mount. 

Slowly, Israel is transforming a settler-colonial project against the Palestinians into a battle with the wider Islamic world. It is turning a territorial conflict into a holy war.

Holy war is a war that involves God on many levels. When a holy war strikes, the people involved always believe God is on their side. They are right that the coming war will be a holy war, but it will be one in which YHVH begins to clean up His House before cleaning up the world. It will be the Gog war.

Let me answer the reason why the Prime Minister candidates and the Rabbis pushing for all out war with Iran. It has to do with what they believe about their coming non-divine messiah. To us, he will be the Anti-messiah.

He will establish the Jewish State as the earth’s ruling nation, according to Jewish eschatology. He will die in a battle trying to establish the global rulership of the Jewish State. I believe the battle he will die in will be the King of the North invasion.

He must die so the Jewish ‘world to come’ can begin – what we call ‘the Kingdom’ or ‘the Millennium’. Thus, they need their Jewish messiah to die!

Isn’t it interesting that the Jews still need a messiah that will die? Unfortunately for them, he will not resurrect. It will take God in the flesh to make that happen.

Judaism requires a messiah to start a war. YHVH requires the true Messiah, Yeshua, to end it.

In other news, according to JPost, Israeli and US actions have increased the risk of a regional war involving Iran. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s said in Germany on Sunday that his country has inaugurated a new domestically-built submarine armed with cruise missiles.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani presided over the widely broadcasted launch on live state television.

The new Fateh “Conqueror” submarine weighs 600 tons and is armed with state-of-the-art weapons, including torpedoes, naval mines and cruise missiles that could be launched from a submerged position.

Iran and the US shot rhetoric at each other. The US saying that Iran is the world’s largest terrorist organization and Iran saying the US has “maligned obsession” with destroying the Iranian regime. He took pains to describe his country as a force of stabilization in the Middle East, particularly in the fight against ISIS and to portray the US as a foreign, destabilizing agent.

No doubt, Israel is being used by the US to continue bombing airstrikes in Syria and the US is working behind the scenes to destroy Iran’s economy completely, but Israel is likely making their own decisions regarding airstrikes in Syria, too.

Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, this week described the U.S. sanctions against Iran as an economic war and stressed that “economic war is more difficult than military war. In fact, Iran is using the global private sector to bypass the US sanctions.

According to ForeignPolicy.com, the balance of expert opinion is that there is still a lot of resistance left in Iran’s oft-proclaimed “resistance economy.” While it is hurting badly and is more vulnerable today than during the last period of prolonged U.S. sanctions, from 2012 to 2015, Iran’s economy is not nearly as dysfunctional as that of Venezuela, another target of U.S. sanctions meant to weaken the longtime ruling regime. U.S. sanctions there threaten to absolutely cripple Venezuela’s ability to pump and export oil, essentially cutting off all government income.

Economic war and Netanyahu grandstanding with the IDF aside, this week, Netanyahu announced that he is deliberately provoking war with Iran! This Business Insider article downplays the gravity of what Netanyahu said in a video message, stating that Netanyahu “appears” to have said he is trying to “advance the common interest of war with Iran.” 

Iranian president Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that tensions between Tehran and Washington were at “a maximum” rarely seen in the decades-long contentious relations of the two countries and that US Iran considers US sanctions to be a terrorist act.

Russia is preparing for global war in a surprising way. Moscow has decided to remove Russia from the global internet. Russia is making plans to cut off its internet from the rest of the world, with a giant ‘unplugging’ experiment that will affect over 100 million Russian internet users.

The action – which the nation has boasted of doing for years – would be a temporary test, designed to see if an isolated Russian internet can function ‘offline’ in the event of a cyberattack that forcibly disconnects it from foreign servers.

The reason? “There is a high probability of ‘tectonic shifts’ in our relations with the West. Therefore, our task is to adjust the Russian segment of the internet to protect [it] from such scenarios.”

Here’s a look at US economic news. Under President Trump, the US debt is higher than ever. The national debt has hit a new record of $22 trillion. The sum of borrowing to cover chronic deficits as well as growing interest payments, this mountain of debt already stood at $19.95 trillion when Trump entered the White House, reaching the equivalent of US GDP for the first time since World War II.

The bigger they are the harder they fall. When this debt comes crashing down, well… You can imagine, I imagine.

The Trump administration is trying now to decriminalize homosexuality in dozens of countries around the world. NBC reported that the push is aimed in part at denouncing Iran over its human rights record. U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, who is openly gay and spearheading the push, has become the most vocal critic of Tehran among Trump’s ambassadorial appointments.

Earlier this month, Grenell penned an opinion piece in the German tabloid Bild in which he criticized the recent public hanging of a 31-year-old Iranian man accused of violating the country’s strict anti-gay sex laws. Iran’s state-run media reported that the man also kidnapped two 15-year-old boys.

Grenell wrote that the execution “should be a wakeup call for anyone who supports basic human rights … Barbaric public executions are all too common in a country where consensual homosexual relationships are criminalized and punishable by flogging and death.”

This will turn out to be one of Donald Trump’s fruits by which people can know him. To blatantly lobby for legalizing the abomination of homosexuality from his administration truly shows he does not know God and is not a righteous man.

A final word about Israel. The downward spiral into evil – into the coming of the Antichrist – has increased rapidly just since the enactment of the Jewish State law last July. Believers have known for 2 millennia that this time must come.

Yeshua told us that His people would be turned over to the Synagogues and the Jewish rulers.

Mat 10:17  But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;

Mat 23:34  Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: 

Mat 23:35  That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. 

Mat 23:36  Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. 

Which generation? Theirs in the 1st century or ours in the 21st? Both. How do I know this?

Mar 13:9  But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them. 

Mar 13:10  And the gospel must first be published among all nations. 

After the gospel has had 2,000 years to be delivered to everyone on earth, this will happen. 2,000 years in the future from the time Yeshua spoke this is the generation He spoke of.

Mar 13:11  But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost. 

Mar 13:12  Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. 

Mar 13:13  And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 

Most of us, including me, believed this prophecy was only for His time. We also believed beheading was finished on the earth – that, as civilized people, the earth had outgrown such brutality. Now we see that beheading has returned with ISIS. My friends, so has Jewish rulership where we, at the end of days, will be turned over to the Synagogues and will be subject to Jewish punishment for our beliefs. Doubt it not. But pray! Pray for the Jews. Pray that there are those among them who can still see the light of Yeshua. Pray for those who flee Judea to make it to safety to await the arrival of our divine, God-in-the-flesh Messiah, Yeshua!

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