Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! GREAT RESET President Harris… Joe Biden’s CNN Town Hall Transcript in Full—President on Trump, Vaccines and… Read More:

Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! GREAT RESET President Harris… Joe Biden’s CNN Town Hall Transcript in Full—President on Trump, Vaccines and… Read More:
If the “great reseters” have their way, the US election will result in the start of the final phase of the global reset. And it won’t matter who wins the election!
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China and Joe Biden’s betrayal of the American people are all over the news now. I will explain the Biblical reason that China wants to bring down America in this report. Hint: It has something to do with the events in the beginning.
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The Judeo-Christian beast is fast-tracking the downward spiral into the chaos the Bible calls the Tribulation. Get ready!
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The rush is on now to see which nation will be next to make headlines for joining the Abraham Accord military treaty and moving its embassy to Jerusalem.
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The Abraham Accord is a fire, not a moistening of tinder. It is a call to war, not a peace deal but is being given peace treaty status. Thus, the tinder of destruction has a new name – “peace”. Read More:
CDC reveals true number of coronavirus deaths far lower than reported. Persecution on the rise and connected to COVID. Cultural revolution. Timing the Tribulation.
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Today’s broadcast: What is the second beast of Revelation doing to help Jerusalem rise as Mystery Babylon, the city of Egyptian mystery rites coupled with renewed imperialism AKA ‘king worship’ in which the end time Antichrist king will have an image for people to worship just like Nebuchadnezzar.
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Israel is no longer a secular government ruled by a political body. Israel is now a religious State ruled by a religious body using the political body to do its will. Israel is now Mystery Babylon!
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The UN beast just became the kitten that roared at the Judeo-Christian beast. Syria is in a scrambled mess and there is a new virus found in Brazil that has almost no recognizable genes or proteins. Where did it comes from? The Heavens in preparation for the coming Great Tribulation? Also, there is now a huge locust plague in Uganda.
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Understand the 5 beasts of Revelation, who they are and what are they doing? They’re covered every day in the News! To find them, you have to know what to look for. Find out how!
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There are two wars going on in Israel. One is being fomented using Iran as the excuse by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his fight to fulfill the election, military, diaspora and investigation distraction agendas, and the continued and increasingly tense struggle for Temple Mount. Read More:
Religious and Kingdom doctrines oppose each other. Both Judaism and Christianity reject the Torah which is why YHVH is now turning both of them over to delusion, reprobate minds and to believe a lie. Read More:
This report is not news so much as it is a way for you to learn to understand the news. Along with that, in a… Read More:
What has been in the news this week? The big story in America has been Ukraine-gate! I’ll have an analysis of what might have really… Read More:
Results: Gantz Capitulates Without BattleLess than a week after his impressive electoral achievement, Benny Gantz conceded his right to be the first to try and… Read More:
Israel is engulfed in controversies between the left and right in the run up to next week’s election and the fire between the sides is… Read More:
War, the Israeli elections and Mystery Babylon are this week’s topics. I have a lot to say so let’s get started with last weekend’s Hezbollah… Read More:
In this week’s news… Netanyahu once again confirmed a recent BWN report. I’ll tell you what that was today. President Donald Trump’s peace plan may… Read More:
Today’s broadcast will be a deeper probe into the reality of ‘The Jordan Option’ with a look at whether it is a viable plan that… Read More:
Listen up! A major change may be about to take place in the Middle East which, if it happens, will pave the way for Jerusalem… Read More:
Jerusalem’s Temple Mount Institute and the Sanhedrin began coordinated pressure campaigns this week to build the third Temple and bring the nations of the world… Read More:
Mystery Babylon, Jerusalem, is rising now. Faster than ever before and boldly, un-hidden, aggressively and in opposition to everything YHVH’s word teaches. Thank you for… Read More:
This week, a look at how Israel’s and the US economies exactly fit the Bible’s prophecies about Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots and the… Read More:
Today’s report will focus on Israeli issues precipitated by the upcoming election. I believe this election will pave the way, either quickly or further into… Read More:
This week, important economic news, the continuation of Israel’s election turmoil and the ‘religion vs State’ issue that keeps rearing its ugly head, along with… Read More:
There is a lot in this week’s report. Russia’s submarine accident and what that means for a United States war with Russia; Iran’s defiance and… Read More:
Islam pushed on its agenda this week in the United Nations. I’ll take a look at the impact of hate speech. There has been news… Read More:
There’s big news in the US this week with Donald Trump announcing his re-election bid for the Presidency in 2020. Israel’s elections are heating up… Read More:
Today on Beast Watch News: Will the Trump peace plan move forward? What plans does Iran have for Israel now? Will Syria and Hamas reunite… Read More:
Israeli media relies on one major incident to claim the Palestinians do not want peace. This claim has been made in most, if not… Read More:
With the Trump administration’s almost unrestricted backing, Netanyahu’s new government will be much more predatory and defiant in its establishing facts on the ground that preclude a… Read More:
Israel is gradually normalizing relations with Hamas. Why? Could it have something to do with Trump’s coming peace deal? Does the peace deal include giving… Read More:
Bibi Netanyahu may indeed be on the cusp of changing history. If he annexes big chunks of Judea and Samaria, the Land of Israel may… Read More:
Events are moving more quickly than ever, a situation to be expected as the world hurtles, out of control, toward World War 3 and the… Read More:
How is Trump’s Golan recognition affecting the Middle East? More than you might think. Major changes with disastrous results could be on the way because… Read More:
Was President Trump’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Golan just a grand gesture of friendship between the US and Israel? Or is there more to… Read More:
A lot happened this week. Iran is taking an in-your-face stance to the United States and is gearing up for war not only with Israel… Read More:
While Americans entertain themselves with the ridiculousness of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes and the unfeigned hatred of Ilan Omar toward America and Israel; and while American leaders… Read More:
Welcome to this report. We’ll look at fighting between India and Pakistan as the blows have caused tensions to rise to a 50-year high. Could… Read More:
Everyone in Israel, even the general public, seems to be gearing up for war as they prepare for their Jewish messiah to be revealed –… Read More:
It is well known that Israel has been supporting the so-called opposition operating in Syria in order to overthrow the legitimate government of Bashar Assad… Read More:
Iran is training thousands of militiamen in Syria and deploying drones and precision weapons. Its goal, say analysts: a united front in any war with… Read More:
In this week’s news – Assassinations, protests and a more united Jerusalem. Read while you listen! Thank you for listening! Kimberly Rogers-Brown Theme music… Read More:
Something has been happening in the Middle East that all the hoopla over President Donald Trump’s Jerusalem shenanigans has allowed. This week’s broadcast will explain.… Read More:
This week in the news: Trump’s prophetic report card. How is he doing at being the end time King Cyrus? How is he doing as President of the United States? Read More:
In the latest news: The implications of Donald trump’s latest move in Jerusalem. Was he being honest with Americans and the world? Or did he… Read More:
Big news this week and only one story in today’s Beast Watch News broadcast: Trump’s US embassy moving to Jerusalem announcement! But first, let’s learn… Read More:
Two coalitions, alliances, exist now in the Middle East that did not exist before the Obama administration. The 4+1 Coalition is directly north of the… Read More: