NOTE: These updates are offered as possibilities where no confirmation can be made and as facts where confirmation is made. Please also do your own… Read More:

NOTE: These updates are offered as possibilities where no confirmation can be made and as facts where confirmation is made. Please also do your own… Read More:
UPDATE 01/11/2021 4:02pm Listen to this short audio from Paul Begley: Someone said the Wikileaks files were old one that had been released before. I… Read More:
America’s election “ordeal” is not over. In fact, this election is just the start of ordeals for America and the West.
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If the “great reseters” have their way, the US election will result in the start of the final phase of the global reset. And it won’t matter who wins the election!
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China and Joe Biden’s betrayal of the American people are all over the news now. I will explain the Biblical reason that China wants to bring down America in this report. Hint: It has something to do with the events in the beginning.
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The UN beast just became the kitten that roared at the Judeo-Christian beast. Syria is in a scrambled mess and there is a new virus found in Brazil that has almost no recognizable genes or proteins. Where did it comes from? The Heavens in preparation for the coming Great Tribulation? Also, there is now a huge locust plague in Uganda.
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Understand the 5 beasts of Revelation, who they are and what are they doing? They’re covered every day in the News! To find them, you have to know what to look for. Find out how!
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It’s not a peace plan, it’s a proposal, according to Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. That was my first thought, too, and I’m no fan of either of them. Then I began to see the subtleties that really make this “two-state proposal” a “one-state plan”. Most people are focusing on what is in the plan but some are reading between the lines and seeing what’s there but left unspoken.
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See Israel’s latest blatant war bluster along with Turkey’s and even some news about how Russia plans to attack the United States. The war chess pieces are being moved into position in places where one would expect them and in places where positioning is not so expected. Also, the last part of this report comes with a surprise – direct order from YHVH to you through me.
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The events of this past week, the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, is a step forward to the final fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy about Ephraim in Damascus which prepares the way for Daniel’s 4th and final King of the North war.
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The push to redefine anti-Semitism to be even more inclusive of all words and actions continued this week, a situation that is becoming more dangerous for non-Jews than for Jews. Also, a look at clashes that escalated between the US and Iran and the Israel and the Arab world may be about to turn Middle East politics upside and down.
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Jerusalem and Turkey both are pushing for world dominance. The Sanhedrin announced that because the 3 sons of Noah are now together, the the fates of several governments, if not the world.
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The Middle East and North Africa have become a greater powder keg this week and this time it doesn’t center on Israel and the US. It does, however, continue setting the stage for the King of the North (KOTN) to attack the Middle East’s southern region and North Africa according to Daniel 11:40-45’s prophecy.
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Israel just muscle flexed with a show of its nuclear capability. Perhaps you haven’t heard this in the news. President Donald Trump is at the forefront of boosting the rise of Mystery Babylon at the same time as Israel continues its progress toward implementing the Jordan Option. The economic outlook is getting more negative press, too.
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Preparations are being made on both sides of the Middle East conflict for the Bible’s Great Tribulation trigger wars. Iran is preparing to do battle with the US and Israel, and Israel is preparing to do battle with the Palestinians and Jordan. Read More:
Trump and Netanyahu are panicking under the weight of their desires for world dominance. Iran’s internal turmoil is bringing war between Iran, the US and Israel closer.The fall of Mystery Babylon is brewing on YHVH’s fire even before she has fully risen to power. Read More:
In the news this week: Is a global perfect storm coming? Trump moves the world closer to global war, the Israelis have an election crisis… Read More:
Today, a quick look at the economy that the Trump administration doesn’t want you to know about – coming rising food prices and falling housing… Read More:
A lot happened this week. Iran is taking an in-your-face stance to the United States and is gearing up for war not only with Israel… Read More:
While Americans entertain themselves with the ridiculousness of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes and the unfeigned hatred of Ilan Omar toward America and Israel; and while American leaders… Read More:
Welcome to this report. We’ll look at fighting between India and Pakistan as the blows have caused tensions to rise to a 50-year high. Could… Read More:
Everyone in Israel, even the general public, seems to be gearing up for war as they prepare for their Jewish messiah to be revealed –… Read More:
This week, artificial intelligence. How is it changing your world and fulfilling Bible prophecy? The tension between Russia and Ukraine heated up this week with… Read More:
Israel’s government coalition may be falling apart even though Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to hold it together. Will the truce with Gaza hold?… Read More:
A new harbinger came to Temple Mount this week. Some want to know are these messages from God? And if so, what is He trying… Read More:
Once again, Israel and America are on parallel tracks. At first glance of this week’s news, you wouldn’t think so. Their situations this past week… Read More:
Russia and NATO are in the midst of military muscle-flexing exercises this week. Iran has the US bracing for retaliation over the oil embargo set… Read More:
In the news this week, some situations that may be moving us toward the Great Tribulation sooner rather than later. The US has a border… Read More:
The news this week: What does Jamal Khashoggi have to do with the end times? And an interview with Orna Grinman about the state of… Read More:
What in the world are the Kings of the North and South doing? Preparing for war. President Donald Trump’s as-yet-unreleased peace plan may play a… Read More:
In this week’s report, you’ll really understand the dynamics of the politics, cultural and religious realities in the Middle East and how these are in… Read More:
Every now and then, some wise journalist is able to bring the Syrian conflict into clear political focus helping us to see how events a… Read More:
More details continue to come forth on the direct conflict between Russia and United States in Syria on February 7, 2018 when Russian mercenaries attacked… Read More:
The war rhetoric between Israel and Iran escalated this week at the Munich Security Conference. Iran issued a strong warning to Israel on Monday in… Read More:
The latest tragedy unfolding in Syria is all too familiar – and getting worse. The latest tragedy unfolding in Syria is all too familiar –… Read More:
Iran and Israel are on a collision course over Tehran’s expanding footprint in Syria, raising the odds of a direct clash between the region’s two… Read More:
An armed clash between the Turkish and Syrian armies over the disputed Afrin enclave was narrowly averted this week by Source: Moscow brokers provisional Turkish-Syrian… Read More:
Israel’s war with Iran has begun. The opening shot was fired last Shabbat probably as a reference to the famous Islamic saying that they will… Read More:
Iran Resumes Building Missile Plants in Lebanon, Israeli Army Warns in Rare Article in Arab Media Israeli defense officials believe that Iran has resumed building a precision… Read More:
NETANYAHU TO TELL PUTIN: IRAN TRYING TO TURN LEBANON INTO ‘MISSILE FACTORY’ Source: PM to tell Putin: Iran trying to turn Lebanon into ‘missile factory’… Read More:
…Will warn Putin about Iran in Lebanon. Source: Israeli leader heads to Moscow to warn about Iran in Lebanon – ABC News
A “Great Tribulation” reality in the making? Revelation 9:10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their… Read More:
On May 26, the US-backed and formed of Kurdish and Arab units Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that they are ready to guarantee safety for… Read More:
According to Gulf Times, The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, called for a political settlement of the conflict in Syria, where millions… Read More:
The Obama administration provoked the ongoing 1400-year-old Islamic tensions between the Sunnis and Shi’ites in Tunisia on December 17, 2010. The violence quickly spread throughout the… Read More: