The news this week: What does Jamal Khashoggi have to do with the end times?
And an interview with Orna Grinman about the state of affairs between the House of Judah and the House of Israel.
But first, the United States and its uptick in war against Iran.
Read while you listen!
Thank you for listening!
Kimberly Rogers-Brown
Theme music by Mishkanim.
The Trump administration announced last week that the United States will continue in Syria in an effort to stop Iran’s expansion across the Middle East. Trump’s decision reversed promises made seven months ago to President Putin to pull US troops from Syria. The idea, according to James Jeffrey of the State Department, is to continue the US military mission until Iran withdraws its soldiers and militia forces from all Iranian-held territories within Syria.
Russian is now a major obstacle in the way of the United States’ agenda to back Iran down. Tensions between Israel and Russia are high after the shooting down of a Russian fighter jet that Russia blames on Israel even though the evidence in no way shows Israel was involved. The Russian Ilyushin Il-20 fighter jet was shot down by a Syrian air-defense missile during Israeli air strikes against Iranian targets.
With increased tensions between Israel, the US and Russia, now comes an uptick in tensions between the US and Iran. According to NBC News, the Trump administration is developing a new strategy for the war in Syria that would focus more heavily on pushing Iran’s military and its proxy forces out of the country, according to five people familiar with the plan.
The new strategy would not involve the U.S. military directly targeting and killing Iranian soldiers or Iran’s proxies, however, since that would violate the current U.S. authorization for using force in Syria. The U.S. military does have the right of self-defense under the authorization, and could strike the Iranian military if it felt threatened.
The plan would emphasize political and diplomatic efforts to force Iran out of Syria by squeezing it financially. It would withhold reconstruction aid from areas where Iranian and Russian forces are present, according to three people familiar with the plan. The U.S. would also impose sanctions on Russian and Iranian companies working on reconstruction in Syria.
Driving Iran out of Syria would be one prong in an approach that would also involve continuing to destroy remaining pockets of Islamic State fighters and finding a political transition after the exit of both ISIS and Iran that does not call for President Bashar al Assad to step aside.
U.S. defense officials worry the increased focus on Iran and the presence of both militaries in Syria could pull the U.S. military closer into conflict.
The U.S. is not allowed to specifically expand the U.S. military mission in Syria to directly target Iranian assets, according to legal experts, because that would put the U.S. on the wrong side of the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) passed by Congress in 2001. That authorization, which permitted the use of military force against ISIS in Syria, limits U.S. action to targeting groups responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and their associates.
A defense official said under the new plan the military would continue to talk about the mission in Syria as counter-ISIS, downplaying the fight against Iran, while the White House and State Department would increase their focus on countering Iran by squeezing them economically and diplomatically.
An administration official said that since last year Trump’s Syria strategy has pursued four goals — defeating ISIS, deterring Assad’s use of chemical weapons, creating a political transition in Damascus, and curbing “Iranian malign influence in Syria so that it cannot threaten the region, to include ensuring the withdrawal of Iranian-backed forces from Syria.”
This is the official agenda, but what is the underlying one? The United States and its oil-controlling allies in Europe want to continue dominating the Middle East’s oil supply. The US wants to be the victor and continue using Israel to be the guardian of US and EU-held oil interests in Syria as they have done since creating the political State of Israel for this purpose. The spoil of Ezekiel 38 and 39 is the oil and natural gas and the Syrian distribution pipeline hub.
Both U.S. officials and international allies persuaded Trump to keep U.S. troops in Syria by convincing him that leaving was counter to his efforts to get tough on Iran. The president’s cabinet, his military leadership, and allies in the Middle East who opposed U.S. withdrawal persuaded him that a U.S. departure would create a vacuum that would be filled by Iran and ISIS. That got Trump’s attention, according to the five people familiar with the new plan.
The Trump administration believes its renewed sanctions are having an impact already, and with continued economic pressure Iran will have trouble paying its forces in Syria.
I believe this effort will ultimately fail. The reason Ezekiel 38:7 tells Gog to be a guard for Israel is because Gog has been using Israel as a guard for its oil interests from the beginning. YHVH will bring about the Gog war in which Iran attacks Israel while Gog, Ephraimite military forces, attack Israel to bring Judah under European Reubenite subjection and to attain control of what will have been lost in Syria – oil and natural gas.
The United States’ new focus on Iran is the same as Israel’s. Russia will take on the United States. Iran will take on Israel while US forces are fighting against the Israeli government on Israeli soil. And you know the outcome. Gog will lose that war, but God will pour out His Spirit on both Houses at the end of it.
The coming wars will not be pretty. If you want to know just how brutal the Great Tribulation will get, just read this week’s news about the slaying of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul this week. Khashoggi was tortured and then dismembered while still alive. The Saudi who cut Khashoggi’s body up was advised to put on earphones and listen to music, according to the newspaper, which reported this and which cited government security sources. The execution lasted seven minutes while this man died a horrifi death.
Prepare yourselves. God will not continue to tolerate the nonsense in His Land and on His earth much longer.
And now, here is a pre-recorded interview with an Israeli Jewish believer in Yeshua, Orna Grinman. She has some important things to say about the status of the war between the two Houses that I’ve been reporting on in the last few months. Stay tuned. I think you will find this interesting.
NOTE: There is no transcript for this interview. You can reach Orna by clicking this link.