Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Changes In Israel & The March Of The Vaxxport… Read More:

Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Changes In Israel & The March Of The Vaxxport… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: China’s Bioweapon: Who Is Targeted For Death? And What… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: The Beast’s Next Innovation: Control of Its New Population… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Do You Really Want To Know Just How Dangerous… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! There is no new Jerusalem Report this week so be sure to read the following headlines!… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: COVID Vaccine Bio-Weaponizes Humans; Kills The Unvaccinated, too… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: China’s Rapid Rise COVID How Pandemic Statistics Are… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: The Beasts’ Rapid Progression: Lockdowns & Vaxxports COVID… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Jewish Messiah Appears In Israel! COVID Fascist left-wing… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: A New Normal For The Unvaccinated & What… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: The Mark: It’s Here. What’s Next? ISRAEL Listen… Read More:
The Abraham Accord is a fire, not a moistening of tinder. It is a call to war, not a peace deal but is being given peace treaty status. Thus, the tinder of destruction has a new name – “peace”. Read More:
Yeshua, the coming King of Kings and LORD of Lords, is also the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek. YHVH is orchestrating the fall of Mystery Babylon, even as she rises to power, because it is almost time for the coming of our Melchizedek, Yeshua, our High Priest and King to come rule and reign! Read More:
Yeshua, the coming King of Kings and LORD of Lords, is also the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek. YHVH is orchestrating the fall of Mystery Babylon, even as she rises to power, because it is almost time for the coming of our Melchizedek, Yeshua, our High Priest and King to come rule and reign! Read More:
The biggest bank in Europe is in the process of imploding, and there are persistent rumors that the final collapse could happen sooner rather than later. Banks in China are also failing. Last week, three US banks failed. Four US banks have failed this year. Read More:
There are two wars going on in Israel. One is being fomented using Iran as the excuse by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his fight to fulfill the election, military, diaspora and investigation distraction agendas, and the continued and increasingly tense struggle for Temple Mount. Read More:
What does Trump’s Ukraine scandal have to do with Israel? How has Iran become Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s excuse for money funneling? What is going on behind the scenes? Read More:
THIS transcript is “notes only”, not a verbatim transcript as usual. Thank you for listening! Kimberly Rogers-Brown DISCLAIMER! WHEN I SAY THE WORD “JEWS”,… Read More:
Religious and Kingdom doctrines oppose each other. Both Judaism and Christianity reject the Torah which is why YHVH is now turning both of them over to delusion, reprobate minds and to believe a lie. Read More:
This report is not news so much as it is a way for you to learn to understand the news. Along with that, in a… Read More:
What has been in the news this week? The big story in America has been Ukraine-gate! I’ll have an analysis of what might have really… Read More:
Sad news from Israel. The Rabbis have caused the first of the non-Jews who committed to Noahidism to commit murder. By doing so, these Rabbis… Read More:
According to this article, the EU is illegally financially supporting the Palestinian Authority’s illegal takeover of Israel state land in Judea and Samaria. Judea is… Read More:
Results: Gantz Capitulates Without BattleLess than a week after his impressive electoral achievement, Benny Gantz conceded his right to be the first to try and… Read More:
Almost every week now, I see an article from Breaking Israel News or another media outlet that verifies The Jerusalem Report. This week, I said… Read More:
Israel is engulfed in controversies between the left and right in the run up to next week’s election and the fire between the sides is… Read More:
A claim that the April election was “stolen” from Netanyahu was made in a tweet from his Likud party’s official Twitter account that he retweeted.… Read More:
Right After Party Endorses 3rd Temple, Polls Show them Entering Knesset After ElectionsBy David Sidman September 5, 2019 , 3:09 pmAnd let them make Me… Read More:
War, the Israeli elections and Mystery Babylon are this week’s topics. I have a lot to say so let’s get started with last weekend’s Hezbollah… Read More:
In this week’s news… Netanyahu once again confirmed a recent BWN report. I’ll tell you what that was today. President Donald Trump’s peace plan may… Read More:
Today’s broadcast will be a deeper probe into the reality of ‘The Jordan Option’ with a look at whether it is a viable plan that… Read More:
Listen up! A major change may be about to take place in the Middle East which, if it happens, will pave the way for Jerusalem… Read More:
Jerusalem’s Temple Mount Institute and the Sanhedrin began coordinated pressure campaigns this week to build the third Temple and bring the nations of the world… Read More:
Mystery Babylon, Jerusalem, is rising now. Faster than ever before and boldly, un-hidden, aggressively and in opposition to everything YHVH’s word teaches. Thank you for… Read More:
Jewish right-wingers will not be swayed. No matter how chaotic Donald Trump’s foreign policy or how incoherent his worldview, they insist on seeing in the president… Read More:
Once again, Israel and America are on parallel tracks. At first glance of this week’s news, you wouldn’t think so. Their situations this past week… Read More:
Russia and NATO are in the midst of military muscle-flexing exercises this week. Iran has the US bracing for retaliation over the oil embargo set… Read More:
In the news this week, some situations that may be moving us toward the Great Tribulation sooner rather than later. The US has a border… Read More:
The news this week: What does Jamal Khashoggi have to do with the end times? And an interview with Orna Grinman about the state of… Read More:
Welcome to part 2 of this series on understanding the Gog-Magog war. Last week, I proposed to you that Gog will be after a spoil… Read More:
The upcoming Gog of the Land of Magog war has baffled people for eons, probably since the generation after Ezekiel prophesied about it. That was… Read More:
I am in Jerusalem for Sukkot. It is not possible to produce a news article during the Feasts in Jerusalem. Thank you for your understanding.… Read More:
As war between Iran and Israel and Russia and the US draws closer, we need more details about navigating the brown waters of Judeo-Christianity. Both… Read More:
It could perhaps happen over the coming attack on Idlib that the US and Russia will have another direct military engagement. Both have deployed fleets… Read More:
More people have converted to Judaism recently, I learned from new sources this week. The list grows longer by the week, it seems. These current… Read More:
More believers worldwide are denying Yeshua to convert to Judaism. The anti-Messiah spirit is becoming stronger among believers because he may be about to appear… Read More:
Israel’s borders are becoming de-stabilized. This week, Israeli soldiers along the border with Lebanon targeted a Lebanese army patrol with smoke grenades that injured two… Read More:
Is Israel moving toward one state or two? It appears that almost all the political moves in Israel and the PA and Hamas are shifting… Read More:
This week, fighting over the Nation State bill continued. Most of this broadcast will cover this issue, but with a shocking insight at the end.… Read More:
Trump, Netanyahu announced deal with Putin – July 16, Av 4. Nation State bill enacted – July 18, Av 6. Russia, Israel back out of deal – July 22, Av 9. Large stone falls from Western Wall – July 23 – Av 10. Av 12 IDF shoots Syrian fighter jet down after it flew through Israeli airspace. It crashed in southern Syria Read More:
The most important event in Israel and world history since 1948 happened this week. This event has implications far beyond what most people can see and it’s all connected to the current Rabbinic Jubilee. Read More:
This week’s report takes a less ideological view of the situation in the State of Israel between the Jews and Palestinians. My reports from the… Read More:
Examine Israel’s declaration of a “Jewish State” against the commandments of the Jubilee. Read More:
Awakening surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian issue is happening in the Middle East because of Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian peace solution. Even the Iranian population is getting involved through… Read More:
It has been a couple of weeks since I have been in a position to produce a new report, one week because of illness, the… Read More:
There may be a lull in the missile lobbing, but both sides of the Mideast conflict – Iran and Israel – are taking this time… Read More:
The report of the indirect talks were said to have been conducted last weekend between Iran’s ambassador to Jordan, who was in one hotel room… Read More:
Big events this week! The U.S. opens its Embassy in Jerusalem and Hamas pounds Israel. As usual, when Israel responds, the world whines! Something insignificant… Read More:
The danger to us will not only come from outside, from our enemies. There is a looming danger to us from within the House of… Read More:
Politicians and pundits are now predicting exactly what the Bible prophesies say. They are seeing how the Middle East’s southern coalition, the King of the… Read More:
This week, I will give you the news along with more of the prophetic understanding and some history behind it, as well. The history will… Read More:
The war in Syria just took a huge step forward in escalation and the heat between the US and Russia just got a lot hotter. … Read More:
This is part 2 of identifying Esau, Jacob’s and our arch enemy. What we must understand is that our enemy is not a culture or… Read More:
What we must understand is that our enemy is not a culture or religion. It is not Islam, and certainly not Christianity. These are too… Read More:
Saudi’s Prince Muhammad Bin Salman is provoking Iran again. I will explain how the provocations will ultimately lead to Armageddon, not just the war between… Read More:
The White House believes a divided Palestinian Authority cannot rule as one nation after a peace deal that creates two States inside the boundaries of Israel. The PA and Hamas must come to a unifying agreement in order for any peace treaty to succeed. Read More:
What in the world are the Kings of the North and South doing? Preparing for war. President Donald Trump’s as-yet-unreleased peace plan may play a… Read More:
In this week’s report, you’ll really understand the dynamics of the politics, cultural and religious realities in the Middle East and how these are in… Read More:
The US State Department said on Friday it would open an embassy in Jerusalem in May to coincide with Israel’s 70th anniversary. Turkey said on… Read More:
The war rhetoric between Israel and Iran escalated this week at the Munich Security Conference. Iran issued a strong warning to Israel on Monday in… Read More:
Israel’s war with Iran has begun. The opening shot was fired last Shabbat probably as a reference to the famous Islamic saying that they will… Read More:
What do this week’s stock market crash and former President Obama and President Erdogan of Turkey have to do with each other? Find out in… Read More:
The Palestinians have rejected Trump’s attempts at negotiating a peace plan and have called for an alternative. The problem is that the PA has also… Read More:
This week, we’ll look at the Turkish invasion of Syria this week and learn what it means prophetically. Who or what is the power behind… Read More:
President Donald Trump and President Mahmoud Abbas are locking horns. This is more than merely a political and diplomatic problem. It is probably prophetic. Find… Read More:
What is happening behind the scenes that is fulfilling Bible prophecy? There are some news stories that might get missed because they seem unimportant, but… Read More:
In this week’s news – Assassinations, protests and a more united Jerusalem. Read while you listen! Thank you for listening! Kimberly Rogers-Brown Theme music… Read More:
Something has been happening in the Middle East that all the hoopla over President Donald Trump’s Jerusalem shenanigans has allowed. This week’s broadcast will explain.… Read More:
This week in the news: Trump’s prophetic report card. How is he doing at being the end time King Cyrus? How is he doing as President of the United States? Read More:
In the latest news: The implications of Donald trump’s latest move in Jerusalem. Was he being honest with Americans and the world? Or did he… Read More:
Walk where your ancestors walked during the Feasts of the LORD. See Jerusalem where Yeshua walked and experience southern Jordan where Moses led the Children… Read More:
Big news this week and only one story in today’s Beast Watch News broadcast: Trump’s US embassy moving to Jerusalem announcement! But first, let’s learn… Read More:
The US president’s vision for peace in the Middle East remains nebulous after the White House spoke with Abbas last Friday. The president emphasized his personal belief… Read More:
Join us for Passover! March 30, 2018, 6pm YMCA Jerusalem (See map below) Menu: Passover seder buffet 2018 Price: 300 NIS, $85 USD, 65 JOD… Read More:
The Obama administration provoked the ongoing 1400-year-old Islamic tensions between the Sunnis and Shi’ites in Tunisia on December 17, 2010. The violence quickly spread throughout the… Read More: