Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Changes In Israel & The March Of The Vaxxport… Read More:

Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Changes In Israel & The March Of The Vaxxport… Read More:
This is not science fiction. This is Charleton Heston’s “Soylent Green” nightmare come to fruition.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: China’s Bioweapon: Who Is Targeted For Death? And What… Read More:
Do you want to know just how accurate the Bible’s prophecies are? Elements laid out in the Book of Revelation are proceeding as described and as foreseen by Apostle John.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: The Beast’s Next Innovation: Control of Its New Population… Read More:
Do You Really Want To Know Just How Dangerous China Is? Listen to find out.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Please read/listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Do You Really Want To Know Just How Dangerous… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! There is no new Jerusalem Report this week so be sure to read the following headlines!… Read More:
The Globalists finally have perpetrated the greatest coming genocide possible on humanity, but they have!
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: COVID Vaccine Bio-Weaponizes Humans; Kills The Unvaccinated, too… Read More:
The world we now live in is the transition phase from what was to what will be whether it be the Globalists’ vision now being implemented or Yeshua YHVH Elohim’s intention…
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: China’s Rapid Rise COVID How Pandemic Statistics Are… Read More:
Israel’s new COVID milestone means a limited number of vaccinated tourists will be allowed to enter Israel in organized groups starting May 23. St. Vincent’s Island also has reached a new milestone: DEATH for the unvaccinated.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: The Beasts’ Rapid Progression: Lockdowns & Vaxxports COVID… Read More:
In a stunning turn of events, the Ultra-Orthodox Jews have “discovered” and “revealed” their messiah at Passover!
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Jewish Messiah Appears In Israel! COVID Fascist left-wing… Read More:
We must now await further developments which I suspect will happen quickly between Passover and Sukkot this year.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: A New Normal For The Unvaccinated & What… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: The Mark: Is It Here Or Not? ISRAEL… Read More:
A new broadcast cannot be produced this week because of traveling for medical reasons. My husband had surgery this week and it was a very… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: Forgiveness for sins of ignorance related to taking… Read More:
Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Read and/or listen to this week’s Jerusalem Report: COVID Vaccine IS the Mark of the Beast.… Read More:
What’s on everyone’s mind this week? A polar vortex and a pandemic have conspired to freeze North America, parts of Mexico, Europe and even the Middle East.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! GREAT RESET President Harris… Joe Biden’s CNN Town Hall Transcript in Full—President on Trump, Vaccines and… Read More:
The world’s enemies are setting their traps and YHVH has set His traps, too, both for His people and those who are not His. The odd thing is that the traps which the enemy thinks he is setting are the same ones that YHVH is setting. In other words, Yeshua plans to snare and destroy His enemy in the same traps the enemy is setting for others.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! CHINA Pompeo Says China Will Use Artificial Intelligence to Harm US US admiral says Chinese military… Read More:
Biden has pivoted toward China within his first week in office but few have noticed it. This will be explained this in today’s report.
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Stay on top of the news fulfilling Bible Prophecy! UNCIVIL WAR America to split into FREE states vs censored “slave” states House GOP votes decisively… Read More:
NOTE: These updates are offered as possibilities where no confirmation can be made and as facts where confirmation is made. Please also do your own… Read More:
UPDATE 01/11/2021 4:02pm Listen to this short audio from Paul Begley: Someone said the Wikileaks files were old one that had been released before. I… Read More:
My job as a wall watchman is to prepare YHVH’s people for the Tribulation that is coming whether that is sooner or later. Find out what this kind of preparation involves!
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President Donald Trump may be in the throes of internal betrayal. There is new COVID scam afoot and China is about to make another move! And why is all that pork in the new omnibus bill? I’ll tell you!
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We have known for a long time that war was coming to US soil. It is closer now than it has ever been. Stick we me to get all the details.
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Israel, China and US relations with China and even a new alien report about the “Galactic Federation” in this report.
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The well of deception continues to deepen and political ties are being revealed that run between the Obama-Biden and the Biden-Harris administrations and China.
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The election mess continues unabated. Sydney Powell better get her Kraken crackin’. I agree with Ben Shapiro that a good time to release her evidence would be today and that a good time to not do it would be tomorrow.
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This election is revealing what the Left has planned for the Right starting with their attempt to perpetrate injustice toward half of America.
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America’s election “ordeal” is not over. In fact, this election is just the start of ordeals for America and the West.
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If the “great reseters” have their way, the US election will result in the start of the final phase of the global reset. And it won’t matter who wins the election!
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China and Joe Biden’s betrayal of the American people are all over the news now. I will explain the Biblical reason that China wants to bring down America in this report. Hint: It has something to do with the events in the beginning.
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Doctors are now warning that the human race is about to be permanently altered by the coronavirus vaccine. Wait until you hear what the “new” humans will be!
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One of the Book of Revelation’s descriptions of the Great Tribulation is now showing up in the news. More coronavirus lies have come to light along with the increase in unrest in both Israel and the US. Iran and China are up to something.
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China’s Silk Road project may be one of the ways a deadly pandemic will kill hundreds of millions of people when the time comes. Along… Read More:
In the news this week: Is a global perfect storm coming? Trump moves the world closer to global war, the Israelis have an election crisis… Read More:
Today, a quick look at the economy that the Trump administration doesn’t want you to know about – coming rising food prices and falling housing… Read More:
In the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, a meeting of the defense ministers of the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held on… Read More:
The Representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) said the hospitals in Syria are now in critical situation because of Western sanctions. WHO representative in… Read More: