A lot happened this week. Iran is taking an in-your-face stance to the United States and is gearing up for war not only with Israel… Read More:

A lot happened this week. Iran is taking an in-your-face stance to the United States and is gearing up for war not only with Israel… Read More:
While Americans entertain themselves with the ridiculousness of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes and the unfeigned hatred of Ilan Omar toward America and Israel; and while American leaders… Read More:
Welcome to this report. We’ll look at fighting between India and Pakistan as the blows have caused tensions to rise to a 50-year high. Could… Read More:
Everyone in Israel, even the general public, seems to be gearing up for war as they prepare for their Jewish messiah to be revealed –… Read More:
This week, I am bringing you a report like none I’ve ever done before. I was sent a Youtube video by a friend that just… Read More:
Thank you for loving The Jerusalem Report at Beast Watch News! But I need a break, a little R&R, some recreation, a vacay. Life has… Read More:
Israel attacked Iran inside Syria this past weekend then proceeded to threaten President Bashar Al-Assad. I have an update on future Blood Moons that I… Read More:
In this week’s report: A super computer from 1973 calculated the end of the world. Find out how close its predictions are to the truth.… Read More: