Two situations are afoot in the US that may see President Donald Trump out of a job in November. The first is the confluence of forces now brewing into a full blown political firestorm; the other is what’s happening in Israel over Trump’s proposed “peace plan”.
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Tag: house of judah
The Romans Deception and the Antichrist
Messianic Jewish rabbis and Hebrew Roots teachers alike are teaching deception over Romans 11 saying believers are grafted into the House of Judah. Find out why this could get you killed!
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The Long And Short Term Threats to Humans On Planet Earth
JUST HOW BAD IS THE CORONOVIRUS, ANYWAY? The University of Minnesota reports that the coronavirus has a 2.3% death rate and is less deadly that SARS or MERS but it is more easily transmitted. It also has a 49% death rate for those who become critically ill such as those with other diseases which are found mostly in the older population.
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The Coming Judeo-Christian Beast’s Artificial Antichrist
Do you know what form the coming image of the beast will take? And why, oh why, will YHVH use its image to punish His people? Find out in this Beast Watch News report!
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Israel Provoking War With Iran, Jordan
Yeshua, the coming King of Kings and LORD of Lords, is also the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek. YHVH is orchestrating the fall of Mystery Babylon, even as she rises to power, because it is almost time for the coming of our Melchizedek, Yeshua, our High Priest and King to come rule and reign! Read More:
What Does The Order Of Melchizedek Have To Do With Mystery Babylon?
Yeshua, the coming King of Kings and LORD of Lords, is also the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek. YHVH is orchestrating the fall of Mystery Babylon, even as she rises to power, because it is almost time for the coming of our Melchizedek, Yeshua, our High Priest and King to come rule and reign! Read More:
Is A War Between Iran and Israel REALLY Immanent?
There are two wars going on in Israel. One is being fomented using Iran as the excuse by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his fight to fulfill the election, military, diaspora and investigation distraction agendas, and the continued and increasingly tense struggle for Temple Mount. Read More:
Who Is Keeping The Secrets Of Mystery Babylon Under Wraps?
What does Trump’s Ukraine scandal have to do with Israel? How has Iran become Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s excuse for money funneling? What is going on behind the scenes? Read More:
Why Jerusalem, not Rome, is Mystery Babylon
THIS transcript is “notes only”, not a verbatim transcript as usual. Thank you for listening! Kimberly Rogers-Brown DISCLAIMER! WHEN I SAY THE WORD “JEWS”,… Read More:
EU Spending 2 Billion Euros to Illegally Steal Jewish Land in Judea & Samaria
According to this article, the EU is illegally financially supporting the Palestinian Authority’s illegal takeover of Israel state land in Judea and Samaria. Judea is… Read More:
Antichrist Acid Test & The Needed Discernment
The Antichrist is coming, but do you know the trigger that will cause many to follow him? Learn how to use your gift of discernment… Read More:
The Bible’s History of Israel vs Judaism’s & Christianity’s Distortions
I am at Passover in Jerusalem this week, so this was recorded last week. In keeping with the importance of you understanding how to spot… Read More:
13 year old Palestinian Arab gives absurd definition of peace
The definition of peace when it comes to the Jews and the Arabs is not what this 13 year old Palestinian Arab said. She wants… Read More:
Sanhedrin Pushing Hard for Jewish Messiah (Antichrist) to Come
The only event on my mind again this week was the Sanhedrin altar. This thing changed everything. It heralds the coming of the Antichrist. You… Read More:
The Connection Between the Sanhedrin’s Altar and the Antichrist
This week’s news is dedicated to the dedication. This is your deception early warning sign. Today’s entire broadcast will explore whether or not this Altar… Read More:
AI & The Coming WW3
This week, artificial intelligence. How is it changing your world and fulfilling Bible prophecy? The tension between Russia and Ukraine heated up this week with… Read More:
Two Sisters, One Fate
Israel’s government coalition may be falling apart even though Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to hold it together. Will the truce with Gaza hold?… Read More:
Was Israel Defeated This Week?
A new harbinger came to Temple Mount this week. Some want to know are these messages from God? And if so, what is He trying… Read More:
The Prophetic Impact of the US Midterm Elections
Once again, Israel and America are on parallel tracks. At first glance of this week’s news, you wouldn’t think so. Their situations this past week… Read More:
Gaza Strip & Israel, America’s Citizenship Issues
Russia and NATO are in the midst of military muscle-flexing exercises this week. Iran has the US bracing for retaliation over the oil embargo set… Read More:
Are The Nations’ Treaties Falling Apart?
In the news this week, some situations that may be moving us toward the Great Tribulation sooner rather than later. The US has a border… Read More:
US, Iran Tension Increases; Jamal Khashoggi; Orna Grinman
The news this week: What does Jamal Khashoggi have to do with the end times? And an interview with Orna Grinman about the state of… Read More:
Jerusalem Report – 08/03/2018 – Nation State Bill Shocker!
This week, fighting over the Nation State bill continued. Most of this broadcast will cover this issue, but with a shocking insight at the end.… Read More:
Jerusalem Report – 07/27/2018 – Syria’s Message & A Confession
Trump, Netanyahu announced deal with Putin – July 16, Av 4. Nation State bill enacted – July 18, Av 6. Russia, Israel back out of deal – July 22, Av 9. Large stone falls from Western Wall – July 23 – Av 10. Av 12 IDF shoots Syrian fighter jet down after it flew through Israeli airspace. It crashed in southern Syria Read More:
Jerusalem Report – 07/20/2018 – Jubilee & Israel’s Nation State Bill
The most important event in Israel and world history since 1948 happened this week. This event has implications far beyond what most people can see and it’s all connected to the current Rabbinic Jubilee. Read More: