Is Israel being used to show the world the way to the “new normal”? All nations are affected by coronavirus, but the chaos designed to teach the world what not to do is centered in Israel. Why is that?
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Is Israel being used to show the world the way to the “new normal”? All nations are affected by coronavirus, but the chaos designed to teach the world what not to do is centered in Israel. Why is that?
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See the connection between the globalists’ new economy, COVID-19 and Jerusalem’s rise as Mystery Babylon.
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It may be that no one on earth has died from the coronavirus. I know that’s a bold statement but listen to the facts… Facts you’re not supposed to know!
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This week, I am bringing you a report like none I’ve ever done before. I was sent a Youtube video by a friend that just… Read More:
Thank you for loving The Jerusalem Report at Beast Watch News! But I need a break, a little R&R, some recreation, a vacay. Life has… Read More:
Israel attacked Iran inside Syria this past weekend then proceeded to threaten President Bashar Al-Assad. I have an update on future Blood Moons that I… Read More:
In this week’s report: A super computer from 1973 calculated the end of the world. Find out how close its predictions are to the truth.… Read More:
This broadcast will focus solely on the coming Antichrist. I won’t have time for the week’s news. Before I begin, I have a short exhortation… Read More:
BWN continues watching the fulfillment of end time prophecies in Jerusalem and around the world. The Sanhedrin’s messianic agenda continues, Trump’s peace plan could be… Read More:
A number of topics are in this week’s BWN. New messianic appeals from Breaking Israel News, embassy moves and even discussion about a message in… Read More: