CDC reveals true number of coronavirus deaths far lower than reported. Persecution on the rise and connected to COVID. Cultural revolution. Timing the Tribulation.
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CDC reveals true number of coronavirus deaths far lower than reported. Persecution on the rise and connected to COVID. Cultural revolution. Timing the Tribulation.
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Today’s broadcast: What is the second beast of Revelation doing to help Jerusalem rise as Mystery Babylon, the city of Egyptian mystery rites coupled with renewed imperialism AKA ‘king worship’ in which the end time Antichrist king will have an image for people to worship just like Nebuchadnezzar.
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Religious and Kingdom doctrines oppose each other. Both Judaism and Christianity reject the Torah which is why YHVH is now turning both of them over to delusion, reprobate minds and to believe a lie. Read More:
In this week’s news… Netanyahu once again confirmed a recent BWN report. I’ll tell you what that was today. President Donald Trump’s peace plan may… Read More:
Today’s broadcast will be a deeper probe into the reality of ‘The Jordan Option’ with a look at whether it is a viable plan that… Read More:
Today’s report will focus on Israeli issues precipitated by the upcoming election. I believe this election will pave the way, either quickly or further into… Read More:
AUDIO LINK | YOUTUBE LINK The world is being prepared for global war, one that has been planned for a long time and is almost here.… Read More:
Events are moving more quickly than ever, a situation to be expected as the world hurtles, out of control, toward World War 3 and the… Read More:
President Trump announced the US withdrawal from Syria saying ‘we have won against ISIS and now it is time to for our troops to come… Read More:
Welcome to part 2 of this series on understanding the Gog-Magog war. Last week, I proposed to you that Gog will be after a spoil… Read More:
The upcoming Gog of the Land of Magog war has baffled people for eons, probably since the generation after Ezekiel prophesied about it. That was… Read More:
The war rhetoric between Israel and Iran escalated this week at the Munich Security Conference. Iran issued a strong warning to Israel on Monday in… Read More:
In this week’s news – Assassinations, protests and a more united Jerusalem. Read while you listen! Thank you for listening! Kimberly Rogers-Brown Theme music… Read More:
Something has been happening in the Middle East that all the hoopla over President Donald Trump’s Jerusalem shenanigans has allowed. This week’s broadcast will explain.… Read More:
This week in the news: Trump’s prophetic report card. How is he doing at being the end time King Cyrus? How is he doing as President of the United States? Read More:
In the latest news: The implications of Donald trump’s latest move in Jerusalem. Was he being honest with Americans and the world? Or did he… Read More:
The U.S. and Israel may be about to tip Iran past the point of no return. The Kurds voted for independence from Iraq on September… Read More:
The Rabbis believe the Gog war will happen at Sukkot in some future year. What better time to learn about Gog, who he is, what… Read More:
Find out how the new US base in Israel’s Negev desert fulfills Bible prophecy and the ramifications that could come from that dangerous move! Read More:
In this week’s news, President Donald Trump has opened the way for the King of the North to attack Israel and Jordan just as the… Read More:
People have tried for millennia to identify Gog, of the Gog-Magog war, in Ezekiel 38 and 39. The most common teaching is that Russia is… Read More:
Why Iran Is the King of the North And What the Gog-Magog War Has To Do With It Iran today is the remnant nation of… Read More:
The July 2016 coup in Turkey may have important prophetic implications that are hidden behind a veil of secrecy by Obama and Erdogan. There is… Read More: