This week, artificial intelligence. How is it changing your world and fulfilling Bible prophecy? The tension between Russia and Ukraine heated up this week with… Read More:

This week, artificial intelligence. How is it changing your world and fulfilling Bible prophecy? The tension between Russia and Ukraine heated up this week with… Read More:
Israel’s government coalition may be falling apart even though Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to hold it together. Will the truce with Gaza hold?… Read More:
A new harbinger came to Temple Mount this week. Some want to know are these messages from God? And if so, what is He trying… Read More:
More believers worldwide are denying Yeshua to convert to Judaism. The anti-Messiah spirit is becoming stronger among believers because he may be about to appear… Read More:
Israel’s borders are becoming de-stabilized. This week, Israeli soldiers along the border with Lebanon targeted a Lebanese army patrol with smoke grenades that injured two… Read More:
Is Israel moving toward one state or two? It appears that almost all the political moves in Israel and the PA and Hamas are shifting… Read More:
This week, fighting over the Nation State bill continued. Most of this broadcast will cover this issue, but with a shocking insight at the end.… Read More:
Trump, Netanyahu announced deal with Putin – July 16, Av 4. Nation State bill enacted – July 18, Av 6. Russia, Israel back out of deal – July 22, Av 9. Large stone falls from Western Wall – July 23 – Av 10. Av 12 IDF shoots Syrian fighter jet down after it flew through Israeli airspace. It crashed in southern Syria Read More:
The most important event in Israel and world history since 1948 happened this week. This event has implications far beyond what most people can see and it’s all connected to the current Rabbinic Jubilee. Read More:
This week’s report takes a less ideological view of the situation in the State of Israel between the Jews and Palestinians. My reports from the… Read More:
Examine Israel’s declaration of a “Jewish State” against the commandments of the Jubilee. Read More:
Awakening surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian issue is happening in the Middle East because of Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian peace solution. Even the Iranian population is getting involved through… Read More:
It has been a couple of weeks since I have been in a position to produce a new report, one week because of illness, the… Read More:
There may be a lull in the missile lobbing, but both sides of the Mideast conflict – Iran and Israel – are taking this time… Read More:
The report of the indirect talks were said to have been conducted last weekend between Iran’s ambassador to Jordan, who was in one hotel room… Read More:
Big events this week! The U.S. opens its Embassy in Jerusalem and Hamas pounds Israel. As usual, when Israel responds, the world whines! Something insignificant… Read More:
Gaza, The recent explosion which targeted the convoy of Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah on his visit to Gaza has severely damaged any possibility of… Read More:
Trump envoy Jason Greenblatt announces plans to hold ‘brainstorming session’ in White House to discuss ways of improving life in Gaza Strip. “In response to… Read More: