The Abraham Accord is a fire, not a moistening of tinder. It is a call to war, not a peace deal but is being given peace treaty status. Thus, the tinder of destruction has a new name – “peace”. Read More:

The Abraham Accord is a fire, not a moistening of tinder. It is a call to war, not a peace deal but is being given peace treaty status. Thus, the tinder of destruction has a new name – “peace”. Read More:
The title of today’s broadcast is ‘The Coming Antichrist: Islamic or Jewish? That is a good question and the answer to it is ‘yes’.
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The UN beast just became the kitten that roared at the Judeo-Christian beast. Syria is in a scrambled mess and there is a new virus found in Brazil that has almost no recognizable genes or proteins. Where did it comes from? The Heavens in preparation for the coming Great Tribulation? Also, there is now a huge locust plague in Uganda.
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The push to redefine anti-Semitism to be even more inclusive of all words and actions continued this week, a situation that is becoming more dangerous for non-Jews than for Jews. Also, a look at clashes that escalated between the US and Iran and the Israel and the Arab world may be about to turn Middle East politics upside and down.
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Jerusalem and Turkey both are pushing for world dominance. The Sanhedrin announced that because the 3 sons of Noah are now together, the the fates of several governments, if not the world.
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The Middle East and North Africa have become a greater powder keg this week and this time it doesn’t center on Israel and the US. It does, however, continue setting the stage for the King of the North (KOTN) to attack the Middle East’s southern region and North Africa according to Daniel 11:40-45’s prophecy.
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“If [the Greeks] want to fall into the sea again – if they feel like being chased after again – they are welcome. The… Read More:
“If [the Greeks] want to fall into the sea again – if they feel like being chased after again – they are welcome. The Turkish… Read More:
An armed clash between the Turkish and Syrian armies over the disputed Afrin enclave was narrowly averted this week by Source: Moscow brokers provisional Turkish-Syrian… Read More:
What do this week’s stock market crash and former President Obama and President Erdogan of Turkey have to do with each other? Find out in… Read More:
The Palestinians have rejected Trump’s attempts at negotiating a peace plan and have called for an alternative. The problem is that the PA has also… Read More:
This week, we’ll look at the Turkish invasion of Syria this week and learn what it means prophetically. Who or what is the power behind… Read More:
President Donald Trump and President Mahmoud Abbas are locking horns. This is more than merely a political and diplomatic problem. It is probably prophetic. Find… Read More:
What is happening behind the scenes that is fulfilling Bible prophecy? There are some news stories that might get missed because they seem unimportant, but… Read More:
The Obama administration provoked the ongoing 1400-year-old Islamic tensions between the Sunnis and Shi’ites in Tunisia on December 17, 2010. The violence quickly spread throughout the… Read More:
The July 2016 coup in Turkey may have important prophetic implications that are hidden behind a veil of secrecy by Obama and Erdogan. There is… Read More: