Religious and Kingdom doctrines oppose each other. Both Judaism and Christianity reject the Torah which is why YHVH is now turning both of them over to delusion, reprobate minds and to believe a lie. Read More:

Religious and Kingdom doctrines oppose each other. Both Judaism and Christianity reject the Torah which is why YHVH is now turning both of them over to delusion, reprobate minds and to believe a lie. Read More:
This report is not news so much as it is a way for you to learn to understand the news. Along with that, in a… Read More:
What has been in the news this week? The big story in America has been Ukraine-gate! I’ll have an analysis of what might have really… Read More:
Israel is engulfed in controversies between the left and right in the run up to next week’s election and the fire between the sides is… Read More:
War, the Israeli elections and Mystery Babylon are this week’s topics. I have a lot to say so let’s get started with last weekend’s Hezbollah… Read More:
In this week’s news… Netanyahu once again confirmed a recent BWN report. I’ll tell you what that was today. President Donald Trump’s peace plan may… Read More:
Today’s broadcast will be a deeper probe into the reality of ‘The Jordan Option’ with a look at whether it is a viable plan that… Read More:
Listen up! A major change may be about to take place in the Middle East which, if it happens, will pave the way for Jerusalem… Read More:
A new harbinger came to Temple Mount this week. Some want to know are these messages from God? And if so, what is He trying… Read More:
Once again, Israel and America are on parallel tracks. At first glance of this week’s news, you wouldn’t think so. Their situations this past week… Read More:
Russia and NATO are in the midst of military muscle-flexing exercises this week. Iran has the US bracing for retaliation over the oil embargo set… Read More:
In the news this week, some situations that may be moving us toward the Great Tribulation sooner rather than later. The US has a border… Read More: