Biden has pivoted toward China within his first week in office but few have noticed it. This will be explained this in today’s report.
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Biden has pivoted toward China within his first week in office but few have noticed it. This will be explained this in today’s report.
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The world has entered the transition phase from the old Western model of democratic republics with basic human rights to the world that will exist when the Tribulation starts.
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The backlash against Donald Trump is not limited to America’s political divide. It is international. Additional information has come to light this week about the forces conspiring against Donald Trump and 74 million American voters.
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What do this week’s stock market crash and former President Obama and President Erdogan of Turkey have to do with each other? Find out in… Read More:
The Palestinians have rejected Trump’s attempts at negotiating a peace plan and have called for an alternative. The problem is that the PA has also… Read More:
This week, we’ll look at the Turkish invasion of Syria this week and learn what it means prophetically. Who or what is the power behind… Read More:
The question of who founded Islam does not have an easy, cut and dried, black and white answer. Most believe the Ishmaelites are the founders… Read More:
The Obama administration provoked the ongoing 1400-year-old Islamic tensions between the Sunnis and Shi’ites in Tunisia on December 17, 2010. The violence quickly spread throughout the… Read More:
The July 2016 coup in Turkey may have important prophetic implications that are hidden behind a veil of secrecy by Obama and Erdogan. There is… Read More: