It has been a couple of weeks since I have been in a position to produce a new report, one week because of illness, the… Read More:

It has been a couple of weeks since I have been in a position to produce a new report, one week because of illness, the… Read More:
There may be a lull in the missile lobbing, but both sides of the Mideast conflict – Iran and Israel – are taking this time… Read More:
The report of the indirect talks were said to have been conducted last weekend between Iran’s ambassador to Jordan, who was in one hotel room… Read More:
Big events this week! The U.S. opens its Embassy in Jerusalem and Hamas pounds Israel. As usual, when Israel responds, the world whines! Something insignificant… Read More:
The danger to us will not only come from outside, from our enemies. There is a looming danger to us from within the House of… Read More:
Politicians and pundits are now predicting exactly what the Bible prophesies say. They are seeing how the Middle East’s southern coalition, the King of the… Read More:
This is part 2 of identifying Esau, Jacob’s and our arch enemy. What we must understand is that our enemy is not a culture or… Read More:
What we must understand is that our enemy is not a culture or religion. It is not Islam, and certainly not Christianity. These are too… Read More:
Saudi’s Prince Muhammad Bin Salman is provoking Iran again. I will explain how the provocations will ultimately lead to Armageddon, not just the war between… Read More:
Every now and then, some wise journalist is able to bring the Syrian conflict into clear political focus helping us to see how events a… Read More:
Iran is training thousands of militiamen in Syria and deploying drones and precision weapons. Its goal, say analysts: a united front in any war with… Read More:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Russian President Vladimir Putin that his country will “defend itself from… Read More:
The loss of a warplane sparks what Israel says is its biggest attack on Syrian defences since 1982. Source: Israeli air strikes against Syria ‘biggest… Read More:
Anti-aircraft fire downed an Israeli warplane returning from a bombing raid on Iran-backed positions in Syria on Saturday in the most serious confrontations yet between… Read More:
The Palestinians have rejected Trump’s attempts at negotiating a peace plan and have called for an alternative. The problem is that the PA has also… Read More:
Iran Resumes Building Missile Plants in Lebanon, Israeli Army Warns in Rare Article in Arab Media Israeli defense officials believe that Iran has resumed building a precision… Read More:
NETANYAHU TO TELL PUTIN: IRAN TRYING TO TURN LEBANON INTO ‘MISSILE FACTORY’ Source: PM to tell Putin: Iran trying to turn Lebanon into ‘missile factory’… Read More:
…Will warn Putin about Iran in Lebanon. Source: Israeli leader heads to Moscow to warn about Iran in Lebanon – ABC News
This week, we’ll look at the Turkish invasion of Syria this week and learn what it means prophetically. Who or what is the power behind… Read More:
President Donald Trump and President Mahmoud Abbas are locking horns. This is more than merely a political and diplomatic problem. It is probably prophetic. Find… Read More:
What is happening behind the scenes that is fulfilling Bible prophecy? There are some news stories that might get missed because they seem unimportant, but… Read More:
In this week’s news – Assassinations, protests and a more united Jerusalem. Read while you listen! Thank you for listening! Kimberly Rogers-Brown Theme music… Read More:
Something has been happening in the Middle East that all the hoopla over President Donald Trump’s Jerusalem shenanigans has allowed. This week’s broadcast will explain.… Read More:
This week in the news: Trump’s prophetic report card. How is he doing at being the end time King Cyrus? How is he doing as President of the United States? Read More:
In the latest news: The implications of Donald trump’s latest move in Jerusalem. Was he being honest with Americans and the world? Or did he… Read More:
Big news this week and only one story in today’s Beast Watch News broadcast: Trump’s US embassy moving to Jerusalem announcement! But first, let’s learn… Read More:
Two coalitions, alliances, exist now in the Middle East that did not exist before the Obama administration. The 4+1 Coalition is directly north of the… Read More:
Don’t feel like reading? Listen! Tiran and Sanafir, between Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and Saudi Arabia on Jan. 14, 2014. Source: Stringer/AFP/Getty Images Egypt’s parliament this… Read More: