What has Mystery Babylon – Jerusalem, Washington – been up to while they have you watching their big distraction, the coronavirus?
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What has Mystery Babylon – Jerusalem, Washington – been up to while they have you watching their big distraction, the coronavirus?
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Turkey is in a bind in Syria both in its war with the Syrian army and its migrant-overrun border. The economy is still taking its hits and the Fed is trying to staunch the bleed out. The Israeli elections are over but the deadlock remains the same but with a few new problems. And the Coronavirus has the whole world in a panic.
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JUST HOW BAD IS THE CORONOVIRUS, ANYWAY? The University of Minnesota reports that the coronavirus has a 2.3% death rate and is less deadly that SARS or MERS but it is more easily transmitted. It also has a 49% death rate for those who become critically ill such as those with other diseases which are found mostly in the older population.
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